ርዘልየፕቿዪ '5'

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Please let me know if there's any spelling mistakes. I would like to fix them before new viewers come ? Thank you all💓.

Unknown pov :

"I cant believe something had the nerve to break into my house and put their filthy little mut hands on my family's dinner" I mumbled angrily to myself as I picked up the bread rolls.

I waited around for the boys to get back.

And after about 15 minutes they arrived.

"What happened? did you get it?" I asked frantically as they made their way into the kitchen.

Jonah and rock were still in wolf form.

"No we didn't" daonni said

"It didn't have a smell so we weren't able to find it as easily. It attacked Jonah but he'll be fine." He added.

"So you let it get away?" I asked.

"No. It jumped off mahcali cliff by the river , so either it's dead or it's bleeding out" he said.

"Well I'm not gonna send you boys back out there , it's getting late . Just wait until your father gets back and he'll check it out. Go get washed up and ready for dinner he'll be here in a few" I said as I dismissed them.

I wondered what that thing was.
If it wasn't a werewolf or a vamp what was it?

Time skip ⏭

Dajdri (da-ah-jr-e) came back 15 minutes after I told the boys to get ready. He came a little earlier than usual.

"Hello baby" he said as he came in and put his bags down then welcomed me into his arms.

"Hi" I mumbled as I kissed his lips

"Something wrong ? You look shaken up" he asked curiously

"You won't believe it, some filthy animal tried to steal our dinner. I told you we need to get that window fixed or else strangers are gonna make this their new home" I started as I went to sit down.

"What was it?" He asked.

"We don't know. The boys chased after it but they said it got loose" I said.

"Well where is it now ? Gotta atleast teach that little shit a lesson" he started

"No baby it's okay. It's probably dead now. It jumped off mahcali cliff , can you check it out see if it's dead dead...?" I asked.

"Of course baby let me go do that now" he responded then left.

Dajdri pov:

I made my way down mahcali river.

That's when I saw the body.

I slowly went over to it when I realized it was a tiny girl.
She was bleeding out and was barely breathing. She was still alive though.

Her eyes were twitching like she was fighting death or something.

"Poor thing" I huffed as I unhooked her leg from the sticking out tree branch.

"So tiny and so fragile" I whispered as I picked her up.

"What are you?" I asked myself.

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