ርዘልየፕቿዪ '11'

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𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓰𝓸 𝓳𝓪𝓿𝓴𝓼𝓸𝓷
                    11:17 𝓐𝓶 , 𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓪 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮
𝓐𝓽 𝓪 𝓶𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓵 𝓲𝓷 𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓪

We stayed in a motel for the next 3 days we were in Centra and this is how it went ...

It was night time and I wasn't pretty sleepy , I stayed up wondering what my reality now was

Today I saw a "beast" I didn't even think that...they existed , there's no lore on them , at least not much, that I know of.

I wondered how bad I made him feel when I screamed , I hope he didn't think he was ugly I hope I didn't make-

...maybe , I  shouldn't worry so much.
I stood next to the edge of the bed daydreaming for the next few minutes thinking about the day

"You okay darling" daonni whispered hugging me from behind , since he was a 'tall boy' he couldn't rest his head on my shoulder without it feeling weird , his words not mine. So he laid his head ontop of mines.

"Yea I guess" I said as I turned around to look at him

His eyes were hanging low indicating he was high or either tired.
He caressed my face softly as he looked into my eyes.

He just stared at me before saying "sometimes I wanna kiss you , just to see how soft your lips are but I rather keep this platonic" yea he's definitely high.

He said this with a serious face , as if he was on a mission to kiss me
I just stared at him , I didn't know what to say back to that.. so I just smiled cheekily.
"Bedtime you too , big day tomorrow you'll need your rest " dajdri interrupted as he opened the door to our room. Which is right next door to theirs.

He left right after, shutting the door behind him.

I yawned sleepily as I lied down and rested my head on the soft pillow. So many thoughts were running through my mind but soon we're interrupted due to the feeling of the bed dipping lowly .

We slept apart from each-other .. turning our backs to one another before falling asleep.

- - - - - -- -- - < next morning 9:52 am > - - - - -- - - - -


I was awoken by a loud yell , coming from dajdri.
I began to toss & turn as I awoke ..

"Wake indigo or you two are gonna be late" I heard Enise say

"I'm awake" I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my eyes tiredly

I yawned sleepily as I stretched before getting up and going to the bathroom.
I began washing my face , and doing a regular routine .. I did have to shower quickly though because of the time limit that I had so ..

Afterwards I got dressed with the clothing that were handed to me by enise.
The clothing were very ugly... TO ME
Not tacky but ugly

I struggled to put on the dress  since it had to be buttoned in the back so I started on these medieval  looking shoes

"Enise!" I called as I slightly opened the bathroom door.
"yes dear?" she said
She hurriedly made her way towards the bathroom
"I need help" I said looking at her through the mirror.
She tilted her head before quickly realizing I was talking about the back of my dress ..
"Why am I dressed like this?" I asked in confusion.

She sighed as if it were bad news.

" bellissima , the city's council have argued that you be ... how can I put this ? ... Examined for.. any non regular traits of species .. yesterday the head of the council , the woman you've met the other day wants to know why you're claimed not to be human yet you look so .. are so human" she explained.

I didn't get anything she just said
"Wait so she thinks I'm lying about not being human?" I asked .

"Yes only because she knows we know humans aren't allowed in centra.. world has its secrets and we're not one that wants to be found."

"But I'm not a human anymore ... right?" I asked.
Now I'm truly confused. What am I?

Her eyes twitched as she button the last button on my dress. She then began to fix my hair .

"you're humanoid traits are ..." she looked around looking for the right words.

"Are stronger than your specified specie traits , so when she touched your hair .. she recognized it as human hair , human texturism . She has little identifiable cells on her hand that can identify any species with the touch of her hands. Only sad part is it recognized you as a human .. leading her to call for you to get tested and put into the system if you truly are not human"

"Human this human that human human human" i said as I rolled my eyes.

She put my locs into a ponytail/bun , leaving some of them out with a kind of curly short bang

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She put my locs into a ponytail/bun , leaving some of them out with a kind of curly short bang.

"Stay here" she said as she quickly exited the room .. returning a minute later with a box in her hands.

"What is that?" I quickly asked as she slowly opened the box

"These are .. a gift from a woman who helped me ... thousands of years ago, I've kept them every since."
She smiled as she pulled a dangling sparking earring out of the wrapped bag inside the box.

"To whom needs the most" she whispered 
She then put them into my ear

"These should add to your beauty , bringing peace and patience" she assured me.

"You girls ready?" dajdri called out for us
"Just a minute dodge" enise called back out.

"Ya know we have to be at the temple in 40L" he responded

"Yes I know , give us a minute" she then said whilst clipping the other earring

"There you are" she smiled as she placed her hands on my shoulder rocking me slightly.

"Close your eyes" she said as she then did the same

While my eyes were closed I could hear her whispering something over me , it sounded like a .. spell?

"There, all done" she said with a smile before opening the bathroom door letting me out first.

She didn't tell me what she just did .. so I was pretty confused

"You ladies ready?" Dajdri asked looking towards us both ..

Enise heels clacked against the hard wooden floor as she walked towards the counter to get ready to leave

"Yea I think so?" I answered
That's when I realized daonni wasn't in the room ..

he's probably somewhere busy ,

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