ርዘልየፕቿዪ '12'

130 12 6

the place that we were going couldn't be traveled too by car , so we only drove to the terminal which was about 15 minutes away from the motel.

daonni and I didn't speak the whole ride , after last night he's been kind of quiet. I mean he did say he wanted to kiss me but were not like that .. not yet at least?

I don't see him in that manner .. , just four weeks ago we were enjoying the last week of school with friends , then a week after that I was sleeping in his fathers basement... why does he all of a sudden feel some way for me . I'm nobody , I'm just indigo . I'm a literal NOBODY!

whatever I'm rambling. . I was so busy in my head that I didn't hear them began to get out of the car , I pushed open my door letting the unwelcoming freezing weather hit my face after stepping foot out of a toasty car. the impact was sure to wake me up and remind me who and where I was.

Everythings happening so fast , I don't know what the fuck I am , why I am this way , where I'm going , why I'm going , who I'm going for and what is my purpose , and when is this over?

has it even began? 'indigo, let's go" daonni spoke grabbing my wrist harshly ..
Good now he's treating me like some bad ass kid, that he's tasked to take care of. Which I'm NOT!

"sorry" I whispered as I attempted to walk at a fast pace like him. we now were walking underground to like a train , but the bullet trains? The really really fast ones.

'Centra Temple 20L destination now' was said over the Intercom as this grayish blue trained arrived.

"right on time" dajdri said as we rushed over to the train , we got on and began to find a seats.
Following daonni as he dragged my wrist behind him . we sat in the corner kind of away from the door, whilst the doors began to close the lights began to dim and the lights of bright phones stood up to announce their presence.

dajdri and enise began their little conversation , they spoke nothing above a whisper. as hard as I tried to listen , it was just too low .. I thought they said werewolves and vampires have good hearing , that mean I should have the best ears on the planet right? or not maybe. ugh how does this work , do I have to focus in or, or stare at them really hard ... no that's too much, I just need to turn my brain off , can I do that ? is that possible?

I was so lost in thought , that when I felt the circular motion of his thumb 360 ontop my wrist  over and over and over , it calmed me.

I looked up at him , though he didn't look at me.
He stared straight out the other window. His phone in his lap , his other hand on top his thigh as he manspread his legs.

Manspreading ?
And too think some girls have a problem with it. Whew aren't they missing out ..
though the rest of us see it as dominance , manly .. asserting your space .. to them it's really just comfortable for their privates.

I read too much sorry ... the internet is really a thing huh . I miss my friends back at school. I feel like an emotional wreck.

My mind was clear for the next few minutes , until the voice spoke again "Central Temple 5L"

It's only been about 10 minutes , I'm scared for what's to come .

Why do I have to be tested ? It's all so confusing. Atleast i do well under pressure.

After a few more minutes the train came to a stop with a loud ding letting us know that "we have now arrived"
I stood up when I seen dajdri rise just as enise , following behind them daonni kept hold to my wrist

My heart dropped , why I don't know .. but something came over me as we walked
I didn't feel good , my head became heavy and my blood felt hot .. my eyes and legs fell weak

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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