ርዘልየፕቿዪ '4'

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Warning : dramatic and long chapter.
Please let me know if there's any spelling mistakes. I would like to fix them before new viewers come ? Thank you all💓.

The next morning I woke up hungry.

A different type of hungry , but I don't know what I was hungry for.

Just really really hungry.

The woman came earlier than usual and she flipped on the lights

My eyes instantly burned like hell

Everything was blurry , it
Felt like I was looking directly at the sun. 

"Blindness to bright lights, that's a sign dear" she mumbled and even though I couldn't look at her right now I could tell she was smiling.

"What fucking sign!!" I yelled angrily.

I'm honestly getting tired of her bullshit.

"Aggressiveness is also a sign" she laughed.

I ignored her and shook my head , my eyes were shut closed and I didn't wanna open them.

"A sign that you're in transition"she finally said.

I could feel her unchain me from the chair.

Once she was done I stood up and rubbed my wrist

"You're free to go, my work is done here" she hummed

"You're clothes are in the bathroom upstairs" she added

I finally opened my eyes and just took the burning

"You have to adapt to the light. You're not actually blind love " she smiled.

"What did you do to me ?" I mumbled 

"I turned you , well not really. See you'll turn yourself once you feed"

"What does that even mean?... what do you mean once I feed what if I don't wanna 'feed'" I said in a frantic tone

"Your emotions are heightened you need to calm down. And if you choose to not feed you'll die simple. But you and I both know you don't wanna leave little Anthony behind" she responded .

"I- .. how do I do it" I asked ...
my head was pounding and I could barely concentrate. 

"That's up to you love , human blood , animals whatever you desire" she hummed.

"Human blood? I'm a human why would I drink-" I paused and titled my head.

"You bitch. You did not- oh this can't be real. This cannot be happening what did you inject me with" I panicked

"Watch your language little girl" she said in a stern tone.

I backed down because I felt weak.

She then started to walk away 

"How do you know I won't feed on you" I said as I followed her like a lost child.

"Because I'm protected by a spell. So you cant. And I don't think you would want to anyways , I have black blood. You like red blood" she said as she led me towards the bathroom

And yes I was confused as a motherfucker .

After I changed I came back out , she didn't have a mirror so I couldn't see my self but I bet I looked a mess.

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