No service ርዘልየፕቿዪ '2'

622 26 15

-the last day of school-

Today was the same thing as yesterday , alarm , getting ready , then breakfast.

"Mom can I stay at daianna (aka the Dumbass) house for the summer ? , she's having a summer sleep over with all my Friends " I asked as I was eating my bacon.

"Of course, but make sure that room is cleaned before you go. And i washed your clothes get them out of the laundry room" she said as she started to wash the dishes.

"Okay" I mumbled

After breakfast I did what my mother told me then gave my family a big hug and kiss before leaving off to school.

I thought about the lie I told about staying at daianna house.

I wasn't even gonna no near her house.

In fact I just wanted to wander the creepy old house in the woods.

And I know I sound dumb because what black person you see wandering in the middle of the woods by a creepy ass house.


But I wanted answers. I didn't just wanna believe it was an animal attack , I couldn't. And I thought that that creepy old house would maybe have some answers.

I mean don't get me wrong , it's literally near every animal attack that happened.

So after school I said goodbye to all my friends and gave them big hugs.

Daonni was leaving to another state for the summer with family.

Kk traveled to another city to visit her sick grandmother.

And daianna was in fact having a summer sleep over. That I was not gonna attend.

Daonni had to leave school early so he wouldn't miss his flight.

Anyways I walked along that path again and once I arrived at the creepy house I got chills.

I examined it from afar , pulling out my phone along the way to take a picture but then I noticed the no service sign in the top right corner.

" Shit " I thought

"This is exactly how Bs go down , first it's creepy house or creepy neighbors then wandering then no fucking service, next thing you know , you're getting kidnapped and chopped up by some whack psychopath who lost their dear dog joe now they're gonna kill everyone in revenge"

"That was mildly specific indigo what the fuck" I thought.
I still took the picture though
and out of nowhere I could see someone check out the corner of the window.

We made eye contact and they instantly shut the curtain.

"Oh hell nah" I thought.

I picked up my bag and decided it was time to head out.

I'm not finna end up on channel 27 "missing" news. The fuck..

But as I started walking off I heard someone yell.

"HEY YOU" they yelled out

I turned back around to face them and pointed at my self , I could tell she was an older lady

"Yes u lovely , would you like to come in for a cup of tea" the woman asked she sounded so sweet which drew me in

Now listen in case you didn't catch on


First off there's 3 red flags here.

1) I'm wandering in the woods alone
2) there's a creepy ass house with no service
3) some random old lady living in the creepy ass house is asking me do I want her got damn tea.

"Are you just gonna stand there lovely ?" She asked.

I didn't wanna sound mean but I couldn't risk it.

" I'm good I have to go home now" I yelled back and started walking away

"OH PLEASE COME IN I DONT GET ANY VISITORS" she yelled back. She sounded sad.

"Yea bitch I wonder why" I thought in my head.

"Um ... alright" I said awkwardly and started to walk towards her house

The wind picked up as I got closer.

"It's chilly out there eh?" She smiled sweetly as she led me into her house.

"Yes .. it .. is " I smiled awkwardly.

Her house smelled great like flowers or something.
She had sage burning in the top right corner of her wall , a salted line in front of the door
Candles etc etc
The scent was just wonderful.

She had lots of crystals , and not to mention a lot of bracelets on her wrists.

She had lots of books and bottles with name tags.
They looked like potions

I was too busy looking at the books to even notice that the lady had wandered off . A few minutes later she came back with a platter holding two cups.

She made conversations and after a while I realized it was getting late so I decided I was going to go to jayjays summer sleepover.

I checked my watch and saw it was 5:30 it got dark pretty fast.

"Oh shit" I mumbled

"What ? Dear is something wrong?" The lady asked

"No I just I just have to get home" I stuttered

"Okay but before you go why were you taking pictures of my house?" She asked

"Um I was ... it was for a school project"I lied as I stood up.

"School is out. . . Just because I'm old doesn't mean I don't keep up with the local" she smiled weirdly.

"I uh .. I have to go home now " I said as I began to back away.

My only mistake was turning around.

"Hey before you go-"

I turned around and something was blown into my face.

My eyes were burning and my brain became foggy.

I remember falling to the ground , which felt like slow motion or like my body had bad wifi and it was lagging back and forth

"What are you doing" I managed to get out

"You'll be perfect for my son" I heard her say ..

Or at least that's what I thought she said.

She laughed a little and started to hum.

My brain was too foggy to understand ..
but next thing I know I'm being carried by someone

"Take her downstairs" the old lady said.


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