Experiments ርዘልየፕቿዪ '3'

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I woke up with a terrible headache. My eyes burned and the light was bright as fuck.

I tried moving my arms but I was tied down , I felt so weak and vulnerable.

When I finally opened my eyes fully this time , I realized my clothes were changed.

I was dressed into a hospital gown

I looked around to see I was in a bright room , it was really cold in here.

"Look who's finally up" that woman said as she came through the door.
"Where am I" I mumbled tiredly.

"You're in my testing layer" she hummed.

She walked over to a nearby sink and washed her hands before putting on gloves.

"Why am I here" I said.

"Because I need you for something" she responded calmly

she said as she pulled out one of these things from her cabinet .. I don't know what they're called but it looked like a spoon and a bowl ?? With ancient looking letters or drawings

 I don't know what they're called but it looked like a spoon and a bowl ?? With ancient looking letters or drawings

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She put that thing on the table in front of me then poured me a cup of water

I drank it all since I was weak and had nothing else.

She held the cup for me though.

"You're welcome" she smiled after I was done.

Then she went to her cabinets and pulled out bottles which I am assuming are ingredients.

She then put them on a table then went to another cabinet and pulled out a big ass brown torn book.

"What's that" I asked curiously.

"It's my grimoire passed down from my great great great grandmother" she said excitedly.

"What do you need it for" I asked.

"For a spell , I'm trying to create something for my son"
She said.
I don't know why I didn't catch on at first but I did later on ....

After that I kept quiet as she read and flipped pages back and forth.

"Ah here you are" she said as she quickly skimmed over the page and started saying the Ingredients out loud.

I wasn't paying any attention but as soon as she said 1 jar of vampire blood and 1 jar of werewolf blood
I couldn't help but laugh even though I was weak as hell.

She slowly turned to me

"What's funny?" She asked

"You-you said vampire and werewolf blood like that shits real . Wake up grandma" I laughed.

"Hm well we will see soon enough lovely" she laughed with me.

I kinda didn't like the way she was also laughing so I stopped ..

She kept mixing her "ingredients" and humming.

"I'm guessing you're supposed to be a witch huh?" I teased.

She didn't respond just kept humming louder and louder.

"It's kind of funny though , if you wanted to test your weird ass spells on someone you should of said that. Go play with someone else. You're on my time so can you please hurry up so I can go home" I said in a irritated tone.

She ignored me again so I just kept quiet afterwards.

After a while she was done and came over to me with a small jar and a knife.

"What are you doing with that..." I said in a worried tone.

She came closer and open my hand

"This is gonna hurt love " she said as she sliced my hand open and balled my fist up

"OUCH what the freak" I screamed .

She quickly put the jar under my hand and just let my blood drip inside.

It took about 2 minutes until the jar was completely filled.
She popped the cork on the bottle and sat it on the table .

She then cleaned my bleeding hand and wrapped it in gauze.

" Bitch" I said in anger.

"Oo what a potty mouth .. little girls like you shouldn't say such bad words. But don't worry , you'll be fixed soon" she smiled as she started to stir everything up again .

She then started to say a "spell" and the lights began flickering which creeped me out truly.

I could feel air blow pass me which made me shiver
But there was no windows. . .

After she was done she took a syringe and came over to me again.

"Please" I begged
. . "You already cut me. What else do you want with me" I asked

And as usual she ignored me and kept humming.

"Please... don't inject that into me" I begged her again

And she did anyway which caused me to scream loudly , I hate fucking needles .

"Every 2 hours you will be injected with this syringe, until that bowl of liquid is gone" she said as she put a bandaid on the spot she injected me at.

Now my hand hurts and my fucking arm is sore.

Time skip ⏭

She didn't lie ... every two hours she injected me with that fucking syringe , at the end she made me drink the rest since I was crying so badly.

"Ahh what a good girl you are , such a pretty little girl, comon now don't stop .. you're almost there almost finish , ALL DONE you did so good" she whispered softly as I drank that stuff.

She gave me butterflies the way she was praising me and I realized I wanted to be praised like that more. .. it felt good it made me happy.

It made me want to do childish things. Idk maybe color and watch cartoon shows. But I couldn't I'm way too old for that shit , it's embarrassing. .

I didn't know what I was getting myself into but I was gonna find out sooner or later. Like she said

The day had gone by and I was tired.
She kept me tied to the chair in case I tried anything but she covered me up and left me to sleep.

Goodnight ....

{Next chapter , most likely coming later on or tonight}

Thank you for reading ~ rvessi.

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