ርዘልየፕቿዪ '6'

569 23 6

"You turned. You go out there right now your eyes will burn, You're a predator to humans now" he said as he placed his hand on the door knob.

I tried to process what he was saying ..

"That wasn't your gotdman choice to make ! You didn't know if I wanted this. Maybe I jumped off mahcali on purpose you IDIOT" I yelled at him

I thought he was lying and being dramatic so I went out anyways

Little did I know what awaited me.

I screamed in agony as my eyes actually started to burn when I first touched ground. And looked at the sun

I then felt him pull me back inside
"Ssshh you're alright , you just have to get use to the light" he whispered as he held me

"I didn't fucking ask for this " I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes

"Being a hybrid has its perks love , you just have to figure them out"
He said lowly as I blinked my eyes rapidly

I huffed in irritation when I realized he was still holding me , i felt comfortable so I tried my best not to make it awkward ..

"Are you hungry baby?" He asked ..

He uses a lot of pet names.. I thought to myself.

"I guess so.." I mumbled as I nodded my head.

And with that being said he lead me to the living room I'm guessing

"Wait here while I get your food , don't go anywhere and don't touch anything" he said in a stern tone.

( A few minutes later )
"Boys" that woman called , and then I heard the growls again ...

A tear dropped from my eye when I realized I could be killed at any given moment.

I cant run .. I'm vulnerable.

As I was about to get up dajdri came back

"What're y-

"They're gonna kill me" I panicked as I tried to whisper

He pinned me to the couch so I couldn't get up

"They're gonna kill me" I repeated over and over while struggling to get free.

"Hey , hey I'm here no ones gonna hurt you. I swear. You're safe, you're safe" he whispered to calm me down we waited a few minutes until I heard talking and laughing inside the kitchen

"See? The boys are just coming down for dinner okay?" he said as he let me go

"Now let's go get you some food" . He added.
He then helped me get up and walk towards the kitchen.

I heard a familiar voice so I turned towards them.

"Daonni? You said you were flying to see your family... why are you here" I said in confusion .

He looked down nervously and looked back up at me.

"And you said you were going to daianna's sleepover" he responded

𝑰𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒈𝒐'𝒔 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒎Where stories live. Discover now