Movie anniversary

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Swapfell papyrus x short/dumb reader

Request by : kittylove32 from wattpad 

Short and sweet, but not the brightest. That was you basically. You were a short (your gender) adult, though your brain process leaves you below average on intelligence, though you were dropped as a kid, and as well dropped into the town of Snowdin, literally. It was how you met the love of your life papyrus, as he let you stay with him and sans. And today was the one year  anniversary of dating. And speaking of the anniversary, let's see what you got planned for it, shall.

"Need a hand shortie?" Paps asked.

You were struggling to reach the bowl of snacks, which was to your unfortunate, was on the counter that your head barely passed ,And despite your efforts, you didn't think of getting the stool only  a couple of inches away that was meant for you, and to use that to get it, though that would end badly still. Papyrus finally sighed, then took the bowl and gave it to you, making sure his sweetheart wouldn't drop the bowl by holding it with you.He didn't want his bro to get mad again. Though thankfully, the bowl is made of plastic, and it would just bounce, but that was besides the point. Once he was sure you wouldn't drop it, he warned you on not to drop it. You may not be at the average of intelligence, but you somewhat learned to not drop it. Somewhat. 

Once he gently let go of it to let you hold it, you, to his relief, was about to hold it. You let out a happy grunt as a thank you to him. Then hastily walked to the designated couch to where the movie marathon would start.

It was the 1st anniversary of you and papyrus dating, and you wanted a movie marathon. Paps wanted you to have it the way you liked it so he went with it as your joy always made his day. 

You reached the couch where Chara was sitting, looking through the movies to see which ones you'd like, while frisk just looked around themselves until they saw you. You could see them as well as Chara can see frisk. The two of you locked in eye contact for a moment, you gave them a small wave to frisk before taking a seat on the couch with the bowl of snacks.

Chara took notice of you,"(ms/mr/Mx) y/n, here, pick the movies!"

Chara was very sweet to you, and seemed to always being willing to help you. You considered them like a little sibling  or your own, so you took care of them in the best ways you could, such as to heal them when they are hurt or to comfort them. 

You respond with couple of grunts, which in translation, was your favorite movie series, (f/m/s).

Chara nodded, "okay, (f/m/s) it is!"

-A couple of minutes later-

Everything was ready, though paps was still in his room. What was he doing? 


"I'm not bro, I'm right here."

The group and you turned to see papyrus next to you, making all of you Yelp. 

"What? Didja think I'd leave my little love on our anniversary?"

You blushed to his words. You hugged him making small giggles of joy. You loved him for many reasons, and this was an example of one of them. Paps sighs as your reaction, finding it completely adorable, though you were always adorable to him. He put a arm around you, hugging you. "Love you too, y/n. Now let's start the movie, shall we?"

And thus, the movie begun. Through out the marathon, the two of you cuddled, gave small kisses to each other, and had some of the snacks. It gets pretty late, and Chara fell asleep, as well as paps. You couldn't free yourself, as you didn't want to wake him up, and you felt too comfortable to get off of him. Sans seemed to have fallen asleep too, as well as temmy, so it left you and frisk the only ones awake.  The two of you started whisper talking, or on your side, mumble like noises. 

You didn't even notice Chara or paps listening in on your conversation with them. Frisk looks up at the tall skeleton, then replies with,

"(ms/mr/Mx) y/n, your boyfriend and Chara noticed us."

"Uh, hun?"

"(ms/mr/Mx) y/n, you can see them?"

...oh boy.

(Author's note, sorry, it's a bit rushed and I'm kinda tired, though I hope you all liked it. Have a good day/night!)

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