The sweet little witch

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underfell sans x innocent short reader

Requested by kittylove32 

(I apologize if it isn't exactly what you wanted, it's kinda rushed. tho I hope you enjoy)

(Sorry for this being  super late, went through abit of a block and school got me busy T-T.)

(Oh, and the y/n in this story looks similar to Kinue Hayase as requested)

It's been a mere month since the monsters were freed and accepted into the city of ebott, however, you did not live there. You were a peaceful witch in this town, you had a little peaceful shop where you would make potions for those who would come and buy. You were kind hearted and known for your innocence and your family of immortals, so no one in the town would try to cause any harm to you, which, including with the sheltered family, led to you never knowing what violence is or even the term death. Though despite this, you still wish to understand more, though just what was it? Though, that's not our concern, yet. Now, let's look upon what you are doing ,

Shall we?


Today was the day you'd meet asriel's friend, frisk and their friends. You were quite excited, as you loved making friends, despite how some people may be. You had been warned about how monsters could be hostile, but that wouldn't stop you from meeting them now would it?

From what the text sent from asriel, they said they'd be here in a couple of minutes since they had just got off the train. As you waited behind the cash register for them to arrive, you heard a bell ring from the door opening, letting the customer's presence known.  You greeted them, 

"Good morning! what brings you here today ?"

You looked to the customer, which appeared to actually be two skeletons dressed in red/purple and black. One of them, Who was quite tall spoke up, "ARE YOU MX. Y/N? WE WERE TOLD WE'D MEET A PERSON BY THAT NAME AT THIS ADDRESS BY A FRIEND."

You replied happily, " Yep! That's me! It's nice to meet you!"

The shorter one chuckled, "they weren't wrong on how cheerful they are chief."

You heard a small 'Hmp' from the other, who seemed to be wearing purple and black clothing similar to that of a battle armor, while the smaller one wore a black hoodie with red stripes going down the sleeves and immense amount of fluff on the hood. You had to restrain yourself from reaching to pet it.


Sans offered his hand, "sup."

You shook it, only to feel a small shock when your palms got close. You felt a shock before when you shook someone's hand before, so you thought this was normal still, though you didn't notice his surprised expression. He was confused on how you didn't pull your hand away when the joy buzzer zapped you, and why was your hand so soft. You released you hand from his.

"It's nice to meet you too!" Feel free take a seat if you'd like." You replied cheerily, pointing over to a small seating area near the staircase. Sans in a second was asleep on the couch. Papyrus sighed agitatedly while you chuckled quietly to yourself. You remembered asriel mentioning these two as a complicated bunch, and that the 'sans' brother was abit of a lazy bones. Papyrus took a seat over on a big chair next to the couch, taking a book off of the small shelf next to him. It contained books of fantasy, magic, potions, and 101s on how to make said potions. You continued working, assisting with customers, restocking, oblivious to sans' staring. He was curious about a lot of things about you. How did you look so young for a person your age? You looked like you were in your mere twenties to his eye sockets, yet you were the same age as him according to the queen's kid. 


Everyone was here now, though you and them had to go to the crowd upstairs in your oddly large apartment as you didn't want it to be cluttered with people while your customers were shopping. Thankfully a another assistant of yours took the shift for you, as well as your living place being quite big. 

Now what did you do with them? Well, their visit consisted of you:

-Meeting them

-You and toriel, asriel and frisk's mother chatting about the children and how asriel was staying with you.

-teaching frisk how to  making a standard healing potion, which was quite fun. Abit messy but fun. Oh, and the scientist alphys watched the whole thing, writing something down.

-cook with undyne, but toriel ended up watching the whole time. Something about undyne burning down her house twice was told from asriel, but frisk didn't let him finish. Odd but okay.

- showing and teaching paps on how the witch puzzles you own. Why, well, mainly he couldn't understand them, with the way they work, only a witch like you would know.

-then there was sans. He was, a interesting one. Actually, out of all of them, he interested you the most. Just to understand him more, you hanged around him abit more. He pulled a couple of jokes, which indeed were overall hilarious . You Laughed at the jokes still, despite not knowing the meaning of most of them, and my god the punny skeleton loved your laughter , not to mention your smile, which was more then pretty than he thought. You pulled some small jokes and puns as well, which he especially enjoyed. It also seemed like he was interested in your skills of magic, as well as you were to his. He had used his telekinesis  to get something from the top shelf for you, you asked about it, which he replied with ," oh this?", which led to you being lifted by the said magic. At first, you were freaked out a tiny bit, but then you were amazed  of how it could work on a person too. "Incredible." You thought to yourself, before continuing on about how intriguing sans' magic is. Sans was quite shocked, but entertained by your amazement. "He'd never thought of someone being so intrigued of his magic before, let alone a 'human'. But, then again, you were interested in a wide spread of magic, and you were a witch, so he should've expected it. But, besides that, he loved your reaction and how cute it was, so he didn't think too much on it. 

After a long while of hanging out with them, it soon began to get late, meaning, they had to leave  soon. Toriel allowed asriel to stay with you, as a way to keep him safe from a man named Asgore for reasons they didn't state. Before they all left, you said farewell to them all, then it came to sans. As you told him a farewell, he asked, " is it alright if we can hang out more often?" You cheerfully said, "of course! I believe I have a heap of time to spend time with you on Sunday, would you like to hang out then?" He replied, "sure n/n, sure. Oh, before I  leave, here my number, text me in the mornin', will yah?" You agreed cheerfully, taking the paper with his number on it.  Sans teleported away, going with the rest of the group.

-with sans-


Sans sighed, chuckling, "I'm fine chief, just thinking about someone."

you were an interesting one to him. He had never seen a human as sweet and innocent as you. You were quite adorable too. You made him feel happy, despite this being the first time ever meeting each other. He couldn't wait for Sunday, but he knew you'd not have much time to hang out the rest of the week, so he knew he had to not let that day rush. But, for some reason, he could get you off his mind, but why?

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