+A small reveal+(Movie anniversary pt 2)

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Swapfell papyrus x reader part two 

Requested by kittylove32

Last we left off...

You didn't even notice Chara or paps listening in on your conversation with them. Frisk looks up at the tall skeleton, then replies with,

"(ms/mr/Mx) y/n, your boyfriend and Chara noticed us."

"Uh, hun?"

"(ms/mr/Mx) y/n, you can see them?"

...oh boy.

-present morning-

It was morning and everyone had a bit of meeting with you. You were hoping they'd forget 

, kinda how you wished you forgot it so you'd didn't have to try to explain. But, unfortunately, you remembered, and so did they.

All of you were in the living room, sans leaning against the armrest with his arms crossed, paps on the right side couch, with Chara next to him, and you on the opposite side.

"Okay, shortstack, tea cup, explain." Papyrus stated.

Chara spoke up, "frisk is spirit of sorts, that only I can see and hear. Well at least, that's what I thought.",then turned to you.

You looked down nervously. You were never great at explaining things, especially in words or in noises. So how were you gonna explain this? Suddenly, you are given the chance to explain with: a notepad and pencil. "Rather you not struggle hun." Paps said. Feeling reassured, you gave a noise similar to a "thank you", and wrote down to the best of your abilities on how you knew them, and how you could see them, your hand writing wasn't great, and neither was your spelling, but it was still understandable:

(For those who hate bad spelling, here you go)

-"ever since I was a kid, I saw and heard spirits, and kept it to myself, cuz when I did, no one would believe me. And how I knew frisk, was by    Constantly seeing them around Chara, and talking to them. I'm sorry for not telling any of you about this."-

Everyone, despite the flawed hand writing,  read it with decent ease to your surprise. 

You felt a pat on your shoulder, and then papyrus pulling you close, hugging you with one arm.

"It's alright hun, just know to you can tell us anything. Well at least."

"HEY!" Chara and sans protested.

"Hey I was just kiddin' you two." Paps chuckled after.

You smiled and hugged him back, comforted by the reassurance. You made a mumble like noise, that could best be described as a love you. 

Through the rest of the day consisted mainly cuddles, puns, sans getting irritated with the puns, talking about and with frisk with paps and Chara. Though like all days, it had to end, and passing into the night. You were cuddling with papyrus, resting your head on his ribcage .

You made a small pop noise, trying to get paps attention. Papyrus, sleepily spoke, 

"What is it n/n?"

You put a note that you wrote on his face, which he picked up and read it.

"Heh, love you too teacup" paps replied, kissing you on the forehead, with you snuggling closer.

"G'night y/n."

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