-Answers to these feeling-

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(A/N: sorry if it's bad, it's been awhile since I wrote a fanfic TWT. So today I decided to try something here where the pov is in the character's (ex.xtale chara) perspective. I hope you'll enjoy)

(Xtale chara x reader)

The light of your life. That's what y/n was to you.

You never wanted to show it, and you didn't want to admit it. But it was the truth. At first you weren't really fond of them, almost finding them annoying from how kind they were. But after awhile, they started to make you feel some kind of way. At first you didn't know what it was exactly, but after a long time, it finally clicked-you had fell for them, and when I say fell for them, I mean you fell for them HARD.

You didn't know how you caught these feelings for them. Maybe it was because of how kind they were. Maybe it was because of how patient they were to you. You didn't know, but the feeling was growing by the second. They had always tried to look on the good side of things, even to people like you.

Why were they like that, you wish you knew. You didn't see what was so great about you that they saw a reason to care about you. Did they want to backstab you later? Did they want something out of you? Did they want you to pay them back all because of this? Did they know you had fell for them?

Why did they act so kind to you so much? You cared about them too, even fell for them, but you wanted to know why they were like this to you. You wanted answers, and answers you got.

It was after a long battle between the two of you and nightmare, with the damn octopus leaving for "business purposes". Even right after leaving Y/n all battered up, even more damaged then you. But that did not stop them from using their healing magic on you. You were about to object, but before you could, they they looked at you with a insistence in their eyes. You knew even if you did still object, they'd still heal you either way, so you complied. the awkward tension filled the white area for a moment as you both one the ground, with you merely sitting, while Y/n sitting on both knees above you, letting the f/c shade of magic do it's work on your wounds and their own. And only a moment it lasted, as they finished up.

Y/n then spoke up quietly. " Am I a bother to you?"

You looked confused, despite knowing why they asked. "Why are you asking that?"

They answered back," no particular reason, really, I'm just...curious."

You sigh, thinking on how to answer it.

"Well, in all honesty, I use to.."

Y/n's eyes show a moment of sadness, but light up when you finally answer, holding their hand gently.

"But, it's quite the opposite." You avert your gaze, having a tint of your purple blush glow on your face.

"Does that mean you enjoy spending time with me?"

"Maybe, why should that matter to you?" You said, turning around to the gaze averting being, who had a tint of blush creep on their rosy cheeks.

"Well.."Y/n holds your hand close, clasping it with both of their hands. They turn their gaze to you.

"Because I may or may not think you more then a bestfriend.."

they trail off for a moment, but you knew what they ment to say. Your face light up with your face being masked with a purple glow of emotions, mainly of confusion, shock, and whatever could make your soul skip a beat in a good way.

they, noticing your expression of shock and blush.

before you could answer, they quickly spoke again,

"I-I'm so sorry! Just slipped out, and I didn't mean to say that i mean-!"

Before they could finish, you had already pulled them close into a hug, muttering out the truth.

"I Like you too, idiot."

Y/n doesn't move for a second but then buries face into your shoulder, hugging you tightly as your shoulder warms up from their face burning up with blush. It causes you to blush more, but you cool down for a moment, knowing that the two of you couldn't be like this forever, atleast, not in this white void.

"Hey, if want to hug me this long, atleast we go somewhere other then this white abyss."

y/n releases their grip on you, getting off their knees and on to their feet.

"yeah, good idea.."they speak up, covering their face to hide the mess that is their blush.

they other a hand to you, and you take it,interlocking you fingers with theirs when standing. They move their arm from there face, revealing a blushing mess.

They take out their portal scissors from their side pocket, slicing the air to reveal a tear in the space at front, leading you to their home, which they reside. You lead your beloved through, as they put their scissors away and stay close to you.

awhile later, the two of you just merely relaxed on the couch inside their home, then soon falling asleep, though not before you kissed their sleeping head that was resting on your chest, muttering,

"thank you for your answer,...lovebug."

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