Late night problems

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Lust sans x tall? reader

requested by: Weeb4areason from Quotev
(Roommates AU?)

you couldn't sleep. Not much of a surprise, as you never got much sleep for some odd reason. Maybe it was because of how you always drank (insert fav caffeinated drink) before bed,maybe it was because you were busy writing or reading a fanfiction, or you were so use to being awake at night that you can't sleep at all, though that third one might as well not be true, but that's not the point here. The point, was that you could hear knocking at your bedroom door.

You got out of your bed, shuffling to the door. You opened the door just a crack. Looking out the door, it took you a moment to realize that sans was outside your room, with a slight unease to his averted eyelights. It would've been strange, if you weren't roommates with him. Why he was your roommate, was unclear to you, but you didn't mind it, as you two were close. Why was he up? Normally, the only reason he'd be up at this hour of night, is when he was reading fanfiction. You had asked what fanfiction he was reading, and oh boy, you really should've expected that it would be...interesting. You looked down at him, the. Asked, "is something wrong sans? You don't look very at ease.."

he looked back at you, then replying in his usual flirty tone," I'm fine dear, I just.." he paused a moment, as if he was think on what to say,"..can I stay in your room for tonight, if it's not too much to ask."

Normally, your first response would to just have him chat with you for abit at the door and then he'd go back to his room, but this time, something wasn't right, and he never had seemed so uneased like this often.

"Sure, come in."

You both sat on your bed quietly. It was a small moment of silence, then you finally spoke up. "Alright, be honest with me, what's wrong man?"

He replied,, " it's nothing too bad to be mentioned really darling, really, just had trouble sleeping, so I wanted to hang out with you, since you don't have much to do, do you?" He was right in that. You couldn't think of anything to do, as you had finished a fanfic a hour ago, and you weren't in the mood to read anything.

though that changed quickly, as he suggested that the two of you would try reading a fanfic he suggested. He promised "it won't be sexual", as you weren't too keen on that. He was true to his word thankfully, so you both enjoyed reading it. You realized he was getting tired, so you suggested he'd rest. He accepted, though, under the circumstances that you stuck by him. It may have been a odd request, but it had its reason behind it and you knew it. So, you stuck by him. You continued to read the chapter, as you weren't tired yet, while he slept next to you, with his hand on your free hand.

Then, you felt him slept-talk things, such as "no" and "not again" , in a terrified voice, and most importantly, you could see some tears drip from his eyesockets . You put down the phone, shaking him to wake him up from what could possibly be a nightmare. It afew seconds, then he jolted awake, sitting up with tears dripping down. "Sans, are you okay?!" You exclaimed, panicked to his reaction. " he looked down, shaking.

he was definitely NOT okay. He finally rested on your shoulder, crying quietly. You gently pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back and holding him close. He hugged back tightly, almost as if you would be pulled away from his grasp if he didn't.

"Shhh, it's okay now, Take your time to calm down." You softly cooed. Once he was finished, you asked if it was a nightmare that had woke him up earlier, with it being confirmed. "I thought you'd think it was childish for me to come to you because of that, that's why I didn't say. I glad you stuck by regardless."

you decided, in the end, he could stay in your room for the night, just in case it would happen again. He fell asleep on your chest this time, and you didn't mind it at all. In the end, you soon fell asleep with him In your arms, with no more nightmares that night thankfully.

word count: 755

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