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Coco went to her class and everyone started whispering when they saw her. She felt uncomfortable and weird so she decided to ask them.

"Why are you all acting like I did something wrong??" Coco raised a brow.

"Coco-chan... do you have a boyfriend?" A classmate asked.

"Huh, ew, no!" Coco replied.

"Then who was that blond man you were holding hands with?" Another one asked.

"Huh-" Suddenly Coco realised who they were talking about. "That's my older brother you idiots!"

"WHAT?" Everyone was shocked.

"Yeah, he took me to get ice cream yesterday." Coco seemed annoyed.

"He looked hot." A couple of girls whispered.

"Don't get your hopes up ladies, I'm his sister, and I wouldn't want anyone of you to be near him." Coco sat on her seat and saw the lovely, pissed faces of those girls.

"Beautiful." Coco smirked.

As the school bell rang, everyone ran outside like they've been freed from prison

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As the school bell rang, everyone ran outside like they've been freed from prison. Coco was changing her shoes in front of her locker when she saw a pink letter.

"Huh, what's this?" Coco picked it up and it had an amazing smell.

"I'll check it after going home." Coco put it in her pocket and went outside.

She went outside her school and was standing in front of a supermarket.

"I need chocolate!" Coco spoke to herself.

She went and bought a lot of chocolates and was happily coming out of the market when she saw her brother standing right in front of her with folded arms, she lost her appetite.

"Big bro...?"

"Stop eating too much junk, or you'll be in a serious problem!" He grabbed her hand and started walking.

"I can walk by myself!!" Coco whined.

"I don't trust you." Mikey spoke.

"Since when did you ever trust me??" Coco raised a brow. Mikey didn't reply.

They both saw Takemichi and Senju coming from the other way and Coco could see the anger on her brother's face. She decided to piss him off more.

"Hellooooo!!" Coco waved and smiled.

"Oh, you're with your brother... Sad." Senju smirked.

"We're going from here!!" Takemichi grabbed her hand and started walking.

"Bye bye, Coco!!" Senju waved.

"Byee!!" Coco waved back.

She looked at her brother after that, and immediately regretted life decisions. He was pissed, really pissed. He didn't like his sister talking with his enemy, but then again, his sister was also his enemy. He started walking again, but Coco knew something bad was going to happen when they reach home.

Coco ran inside while Mikey closed the outside gate and something fell out of her pocket. Mikey noticed it, and picked it up. She took her shoes off and ran to her room locking it.

"He won't kick down the door right?" Coco thought to herself. She remembered the letter that she got from her locker and decided to get it out of her pocket. She realised that it wasn't in any of her pockets.


She slowly opened the door and didn't see her brother anywhere due to the wall blocking the way. She took a few steps forward and saw him leaned against the chair, with his legs on the table, he was rocking the chair back and forth while holding the letter in his hand.

"What's this?" Mikey asked.

"I don't know, I was just going to check it out." Coco replied.

"Come open it..." Mikey spoke.

She came to him and Mikey handed the letter to her and she slowly started opening it. It was a love letter, or in better words, someone was asking her on a date. Coco was super red when she read what was written inside.

"What's wrong, read it out loud." Mikey spoke.

"N-no!" Coco started running to her room but he grabbed her wrist.

"What did you say?" Mikey raised his voice.

"N-nothing." Coco spoke in a high pitched voice.

"Give it to me!" Mikey snatched the letter from her hand and started reading it.

"Dear Miss Sano,

I see you in school everyday walking around, you seem so unbothered and quiet, it couldn't help but intrigue me to know more about you. You are also a very pretty lady... Will you go on a date with me? If yes, then please meet me at the gate after school while holding this letter and then we'll go from there."

The letter wasn't signed so no one knew who that person was.

"You're not going to school tomorrow." Mikey spoke.

"Big bro! I've already missed a day!!" Coco spoke back.

"So? You're not an idiot who doesn't understand concepts, study at home. I don't wanna see you outside, got it?" Mikey replied back.

"Why are you doing this?" Tears started forming in her eyes.

"Because I can, you're going to suffer for as long as you're under my watch, unless...." Mikey paused.

"Unless...?" Coco asked.

"You leave Brahman." Mikey spoke.

"N-no!" Coco replied.

"Then go to your room." Mikey got out of his seat and went outside.

"You're mean!!" Coco shouted. He stopped and looked back at his sister who was crying.

He went to her and stood in front of her, he looked like a giant.

"Deal with it." Mikey patted her head and went outside.

"He goes outside every 4 pm..."

"Then let's meet her tomorrow after he goes."


𝙰𝙱𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙾𝙽𝙴𝙳 𝚂𝙸𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁 | 𝚂𝚊𝚗𝚘 𝙼𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘Where stories live. Discover now