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Today is my nikkah ceremony, I have been standing in front of my room mirror for some minute now staring at myself and I can't believe that is me, I look lovely, and even I can say I am beautiful today, i was putting on my native attire which consists of bell lahenga skirt, that was pleated at the waist and bottom. It has three different primary colour attach to it. My blouse was a long sleeve with a touch of blue. Colourful Stones were attached to the body making it classy.
The past week had been really hectic, wedding ceremony which include, getting to know my husband parents, getting their blessing and prayers. My two childish friends decided they want to do bridal shower, I mean is that necessary, celebrating my last day as a single lady. I find it absurd, when you have cousins, nephews, nieces and best friends, I'm sure there will be dramas and I wasn't disappointed. This morning is my nikkah and we are doing walima in the afternoon. I don't see the need for it but most people ignore liked me like I'm invisible. When the bride to be says something, I thought her wish was going to be granted but I thought otherwise.
" sweetheart, masha Allah ," meaning Allah has will it " you look beautiful my baby, your mom is going to miss you, your cooking, tantrum and your childishness. No matter what, you are still gonna be my little girl.". I dislike the emotional part of doing wedding. I don't know how to handle it, now my mom was crying. Moving closer to her, I gave her a hug.
" mom can you stop crying?, you are going to make me cry too and then I will spoil my makeup do you want that? am sure you don't, I will come visit you Mom. You do realize even if I am married, that doesn't mean that i can come to your place, so stop crying."  and here comes my Grandma, they were both looking lovely in their combination of African - Arab attire.
" layla, can you stop crying, you want my granddaughter to start feeling bad, now go outside. There are some things that need your attention. I need to talk to my lovely baby." Oh God ! Ya Allah send a miracle please I don't want to listen to Grandma lectures about marriage, argh not again.
" don't give me that look young lady, you may be a grown woman but there are some things, we think we know, but then it eventually didn't turn out how we thought it should, marriage can be like that sometimes. Marriage can make you happy, sad, cheerful, nervous, moody, name it. This thing called marriage is now taken like some football game in your generation where if you hit the post you are considered a champion and if you don't you become a loser."
" but Grandma...." Interrupted by Grandma, she drag me down beside her.
" sit down and listen to me."
" okay." seeing no way out of it ,I sat down already defeated .
" in my time, marriage was like Gold, the Lucky girls, get married and become the apple of her husband eyes. No matter what the problem is they always stand as a pillar of support to each other. Muna, life has it's ups and downs. Many enjoy the happy moments of marriage. The laughter and attention. But when the sad days begin to arrive, many flee because they can't handle the situation. They believe all days should be beautiful but they forgot the proverb that says, life isn't a bed of roses. It has turn, you just have to be stronger. Almighty Allah never burdens a soul more than it can bear ."
" yes Grandma."
" surely, he will test you with hardship, patience and endurance but surely the patient ones and the one with faith comes out victorious. Never forget your creator my daughter, always remember him both in the happy moment and the sad moment and never you give up easily okay."
" I promise, to give it my all Grandma, I won't disappoint you." Standing up I gave Grandma a hug, I needed it, this assurance and advise.
" okay come out the imam who is going to tie the knot is here."

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