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     " why should I, we were having a normal conversation, like some normal couple which I thought was lovely, then you ask me about my work, I told you and you decided to go hysterical on me, now you are being bitchy." gasping at his audacity, me being bitchy, I'm gonna show him, bitchy. Stepping my foot on his, I made sure it was hard enough for him to feel the pain, that's what he gets for calling me a bitch. Ignoring the glare, he directed at me, I feigned ignorance.
" what is your problem, woman! you are always changing mood like a chameleon, maybe you are one." shooting him a glare of my own, I tried moving out of his hold but he drew me closer until our chest were touching each other with my head almost touching his shoulder.  Blinking rapidly, I wonder how we got to this present position, I feel fluttery and nearly had a panic attack.
   " Kadir let me go, why are you being stubborn." I was grateful my voice wasn't shaky."
" go where, you are hiding so much, you should share you know, I am your husband." my eyes goes wide when he drew me closer still until my whole body was plastered to his. "why is he taunting me".
" Kadir this isn't right you know, I'm not ready to share yet okay, I think you should understand after all you are hiding something too."
   " yeah I know that but then hysterical on you did I, but you being here feels just right." I knew this wasn't going to end well, what does he mean."
" are you drunk, why are you acting weird suddenly."
"If the cake I ate made me drunk then no problem, I maybe drunk." he removes one of his hand behind my back and used it to trace pattern on my neck and collarbone which was beating furiously and my heart was not still, it kept on beating.  " you smell nice all sugary and honey."  I was speechless, all the while he finally replaced his hand with his mouth which made my breath catchy and I gasp out loud, he continues nipping on my neck and collarbone. I was helpless, I was held captive after all, if I had my chance I wouldn't be here, which I think my husband knows.
" I want your mind here Muna, I want you to feel what I am feeling." moving his mouth, he bit my lower lip slowly at first, then he bit it hard which made me wince because it stings, then he was soothing it with his tongue .
  My wife tastes all sweet, I wonder how the rest of her will be. I watch as emotion kept on playing on her face and it pleases. I know she wasn't really comfortable in my hands I knew that but at least she wasn't struggling anymore, I knew I wasn't supposed to do this but I can't help it. I can taste right, I don't see what is bad in tasting.
" Muna baby, can I kiss you?." I watch her trying to catch a breath and steady herself, but I don't want her steady, I want her limp in my hands before she could reply, I place my lip on hers, watch her gasp out loud, then I took my Chances and went in, tugging, nipping and rolling her tongue against mine, I knew she wasn't experienced in this field, but I was still a little surprised because she started pushing at my chest, I didn't budge at first. Then she pushes harder which made me came back to the present and I notice she was about to panicked, so I move out and left her, while she was standing there looking so vulnerable and a little scared rat. Thank God I held myself back, I was almost losing control over there, looking at the angel in my front, I promise I will take it one step at a time. Moving to her side, I watch her eyes go wide, then she was running up the stairs.
  Why does she always run anytime I finish kissing her, she doesn't even wait to talk or anything next time Im not gonna let that happen again. I knew we will both go back to our places of work starting from tomorrow and she is my responsibility from now on and Ill always keep her safe but I wonder what shes   running from.  Why does she look so scared and paranoid, I knew I could get all the Information if I want but I respect her privacy and in this situation, I don't think it's such a good idea.

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