Kim Chaewon | Drama

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OC reader [Fluff]

"Chaewon ah, I heard you got a role for a drama?" Eunbi asked "Eh? where did you heard that i haven't told you about it" Chaewon asked thinking if she may have spoiled it when the last time they had a convo together, Eunbi giggled seeing Chaewon's confused face "I saw a rumour on instagram'' Eunbi said "Ahhh, well i don't know if i got the role yet, the script reading is in two days'' Chaewon said which reminded her of something "Eunbi ya, i need to study the script, i'll talk to you later okay?" Chaewon said and Eunbi nodded her head "Okay, Hwaiting Chaewon ah" Eunbi smiled and so did she, Chaewon ended the video call and grabbed the copy of a script she was given and studied the Character

[Time skip]

"Manager nim do you know who's gonna be my partner for this drama" Chaewon asked politely as her Manager was driving her to the Script Reading Place "I don't have any idea, all i know is that YG is debuting a new actor for this drama" The manager said and continued to focus on the road 'So they're a rookie? hope we could work well together' She thought as she read the script once more

The manager parked their car and they opened the door for Chaewon, The security guard of the Building opened the door for them and they went ahead inside "Come on the room is this way" Chaewon's manager said checking her phone to make sure "Hopefully we're not late" Chaewon said "We most likely are, we can blame the traffic for that" The manager said running through the halls and found the room they were looking for

The manager slowly opened the door "We're sorry we're late" The manager bowed to everyone in the room and Chaewon slowly joined and apologized as well "It's fine, the Director isn't here yet also" A man with a suit said, he stood up and bowed "I'm the Co Director for this Drama, hopefully we could work well" He said smiling and Chaewon returned the favour "Thank you, please take care of me well" Chaewon said.

The door creaked open "Ahh sorry i'm late" A girl holding her coffee at one hand and a script in another "It's fine director nim, our actor hasn't arrived yet" The Co director said grabbing a seat for her "Ahh you must be chaewon, it's nice to finally meet you in person" The Director said giving chaewon a bright smile "Thank you, I will work my best" Chaewon said returning the favour "Is Jae-Hyuk gonna be here soon" The two directors began to talk amongst themselves "I talked to his manager said they will be arriving soon" The director nodded and took a seat next to her partner

Chaewon took a seat assigned to her and flip through the pages, as time flows by the door creaked open and revealed a girl dragging a guy like he is his son "Sorry we're late" The girl, Chaewon was captivated by his cat like eyes and the cold aura he has around him, He scanned the room and bowed "Hello Chou Jae-Hyuk, pleasure to meet you all" He said and was directed to his seat that was one over from Chaewon, when he took of his mask she was more captivated than she already is "Chaewon?" The Director called, finally grabbing her attention, she hadn't realized that she was spacing out for a long time "Ahh yes?" She said, Her manager notices and snickered a bit "Are you ready" She asked and chaewon nodded

The script reading started and it went fairly smoothly for them 'I admit for a rookie, he is really good' Chaewon thought, After a while it finally ended and the Directors were pleased of the choices they made and decided to go with to current cast members "Alright i think it's enough for today, we will begin shooting two weeks from now, you all may be dismissed" The Director smiled, and they stood up bowing to each other

"Jae Hyuk and Chae Won Sunbaenim" One of the staff there called them "Do you mind taking a picture with each other?" The staff asked, showing them the camera, Chae Won smilled and happily said yes "Jae Hyuk?" He nodded and they led them to a spot with one of the posters of the drama they'll be starring in "1,2,3... Cheese" They both gave them the widest smiles "Chaewon Sunbae should we recreate one of the scene" Jae Hyuk asked still smiling, Chaewon then notices that he had dimples not a deep one but it's there

They faced each other and crossed their arms recreating one of the scenes, after they took a picture they burst out laughing "Jae Hyuk ah it's time to go" The manager called him and he looked somewhat sad "Hope we could work well Chaewon sunbae" He bowed "Call me Chaewon is fine, and i hope so too" She smiled and bowed back, He waved at her and went to his manager "Soo Jae Hyuk huh" Chaewon's manager suddenly said making her jump a bit "Yahhh don't do that" She pouted and hit him lightly

[Shooting Day]

"Cut! Good work" They PD said giving an okay Jae Hyuk, Chae Won, and the other supporting Characters stepped back whilst the crew prepare the set for the next scene "Hyuk Oppa can we rehearse this scene" Chaewon tugged his shirt showing him the script "Sure" He smiled, over the time of the shooting he and chaewon became really close, This was the Third day shooting and somehow they became closer than ever "YAHH THAT HURTS YOU KNOW" the whole staff member looked over and saw assuming the culprit laughing his ass off on the ground while the victim is hitting him repeatedly "Ahh sorry sorry" He said holding her hand, They didn't realised what position they was when they did both of their face turned red, chaewon quickly stood up and so did Jae Hyuk "Um.. is your head okay?" He asked while still looking down, She nodded "Okay Guys get ready for the nex..." The director came in "You guys okay" She asked looking at them both "Y..y..Yeah" Chaewon stuttered still a bit red, The director chuckled "Okay then, get ready the both you kay?" They nodded and composed themselves while the memory still lingering in their head

[After the shoot]

"Good Job everyone see you tomorrow" The Director smiled and waved at them, "Chaewon ah wanna grab something to eat" Jae Hyuk asked putting his hoodie on "Yeah i had a restaurant in mind" She smiled "Manager Hyung, me and chaewon will go eat for awhile" He shouted and went out from the studio "Aish that kid didn't even let me respond" The manager mumbled staring at the door jaehyuk left in

Chaewon and Jaehyuk was walking happily, giggling amongst each other "Hey how's your head" Jae Hyuk asked unconsciously patting her head making her slightly Blush at his action "Don't do that, and it still hurts y'know" She pouted making Jae chuckled "Sorry, i'll treat you ice cream later how about that" Jae smiled lifting her mood up, though it was never ruined in the first place "Oh, here we are" Chaewon stopped "Wow this looks nice, it looks like a place to take someone for a date" He blurted out "Eh, do you wanna go on one?" Chaewon asked, he was taken a back from the sudden question "I..I mean if it's with you then who wouldn't" He could feel his cheeks getting really really hot, she giggled "Then after we're done with the drama, let's go on one yeah" She smiled grabbing his hands "For now let's go eat" She dragged him into the restaurant.


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