[M] Kim Chaewon | Tragedy pt.1

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[Smut] [Warning: Cheating] [Angst]
(A/n: Before we start, as you can see this is a smut so Please proceed with caution if you are not comfortable with smuts please DON'T READ and if you are comfortable please bare with me, smuts is something that i haven't done in awhile so I'm sorry if it's not as good as other smut writers out there and I'm trying to ease my way back into it. I won't promise that smuts would be a regular thing but maybe once every two weeks or so, without any further ado please enjoy!)

(P.S. I was planning to post this next week but today seemed fitting since Chaewon was announced as the 4th member)

Kim Chaewon a former girl group member named Iz*one, was done practicing at her agency and was heading home wanting to call it a day and snuggle with her boyfriend Y/n, Y/n and Chaewon is in a relationship for almost two years now, they didn’t want to make it public cause they want to enjoy their relationship without anyone harassing them. After Chaewon arrived after a long day of training she puts off her shoes and put it on the shoe rack inside the apartment where Y/n and Chaewon shared with each other along the way of their relationship

“Y/n? Jagiya? I’m Back” Chaewon called to the seemingly empty apartment room waiting for a response to no avail, chaewon sighed it’s been days that Y/n is always working overtime for a huge project for his company, she misses him, his presence, his smile, and also his touch, it’s been awhile since they’ve done it and she felt empty without him, Y/n when he comes back only said a couple of things before going to shower and kisses her goodnight and leaving again early in the morning, she opened the top cabinet on their kitchen and grabbed a bottle of a unopened wine she has been saving up for the right moment, but right now she felt like she needed it, she poured herself a glassful of wine and downed it, after another glass she could feel herself getting a bit tipsy, every gulp brings back fun memories of her and y/n and how badly she wants to go back to that days


Her emotional journey was interrupted "Coming..." She said wiping her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie and opening the door for the sudden guest "Oh hey Chan, surprise for you to visit" Chaewon said trying her best to put on the best smile but failed by her red nose and sniffles "Uh... i was back to my apartment for a few weeks and i wanted to give yo.. im sorry but are you okay" He said getting sidetracked by his first purpose as of why he was there "Y..yeah" she said lying to him "Are you sure? You can talk to me if you want" Chan offered

Chaewon thought about it until she said yes, cause it's been awhile since she has gotten any attention aside from her work friends, but some time she wants to talk with someone other than them, "So you want to talk about it" Chan asked sitting at the couch worried by her state, meanwhile Chaewon was grabbing another glass and grabbing the wine bringing it to the living room

Chaewon soon let it all out, she felt lonely, she felt tired, and missed the affection that y/n used to give to her, she needed someone to comfort her, to listen, and give her care.

A glass turns into two, two into three and so on till the bottle was a quarter of wine left, both were tipsy, chaewon was the worst, her alcohol tolerance was kind of bearable but it's been awhile since she has drinked, and it hit her the worse, slurring every word throwing random mood swings once in awhile, mumbling nonsense, Chan was not drunk that he couldn't think straight, he still has work to do and being straight up hammered was the last thing he wanted to do.

The two kept on talking, well Chaewon kept talking and Chan kept listening, while he did he kept feeling sympathy for her, she had a tough time at work and with no one to comfort her when she got back, he related to her because of his recently broken up relationship, he knows how it feels to expect someone to be there when you had a long day but to no avail.

But right then and there, he felt something that might ruin a friendship forever, but he it felt right, maybe it's the wine, maybe it's the moment that pushed him to do this, but he wanted this. He Wanted Her

He softly cupped her soft red cheeks and pulled her closer to him, this really startled Chaewon every red lights was blinking but she did nothing, she let it happened, until then their lips connected, it was soft at first and Chan was expecting her to slap him and kick him out, but no, She returned it

With every kiss it became hotter, and sloppier, the more they kissed the more the lust was building inside of them, every part of morale that was there is thrown away, like there clothes they were wearing leaving them in just their underwear

Chaewon who was sitting beside him in the couch was now on Chan's lap grinding against his crotch, feeling his bulge getting bigger and bigger, she dropped down into her knees after breaking apart from their kiss and wrapped her fingers around the hen of his underwear slowly pulling it down till his manhood was finally revealed, granted the cock she had now wasn't the same size as Y/n's but she needed it

She slowly started to pump his cock licking the tip of it and down to the shaft, chan laid there in bliss as the woman in front of her is giving the best service in his life, groaning at every pump and licks "Fuck~" he moaned out loudly as soon Chaewon put his cock inside her warm mouth sucking it and bobbing her head up and down

He put her hair into a ponytail as a way to help her service him, loud slurping noises "Fuck.. You're amazing Chaewon" Chan said making eye contact with the girl, after that compliment he shocked him when she deepthroated him full, it wasn't a problem for him cause he was slightly smaller than y/n

"I think im close" He said, Chaewon took it as a sign ang begin to suck faster as if she was trying to finish a candy cane, he felt a familiar feeling in his balls something he has done a lot of time before and it was reaching it's near "Fuck chaewon~" He said cumming inside her mouth and down to her throat as she swallows them all

"Hey chae-" A voice called after the apartment door finally opened revealing y/n standing there in shock processing if what is infront of him is really happening right now or is the tiredness after a long day at work finally catching up to him "Y/n!" Chaewon panicked and frantically grabbed her hoodie and putting it on and so does Chan

"What the fuck is happening here" Y/n said trying to stay calm but his clenched fist said otherwise "I can explain..." Chaewon said facing her boyfriend "You better" He looked at her and the guy "You. Aren't you out neighbor, why the fuck is my girlfriend giving you head huh" Y/n said pointing at the guy

He couldn't say anything as he was tongue tied "I'll give 5 seconds to get out of here before I'll cut your balls off" Y/n threatened and started counting down, Chan eyes widen and frantically grabbed his stuff and went pass the couple and to his apartment room

Y/n averted his gaze on Chaewon and closing the door behind him and locking it "It's this what you've been doing behind my back all this time Chae" He said in a low voice grabbing both of her shoulders. She shook her head no "This is the first time" She said lowly, tears threatening to fall down her eyes "How am i supposed to believe you" He whispered "I'm not lying this is the first time, Im sorry y/n, i really am" She said finally facing him

"Really?" He said backing her up to the kitchen counter until her back hit the counter and was cornered between it and him, he grabbed her waist and put her on top of the counter "What Chaewon?" He asked putting his hands on top of the counter between her "Why? you know I'm also doing this to get us out of this apartment"

"So why? Was i not good enough" He asked her "I was really missing you, i missed your touch, and i became.... needy" She said embarrassed "and the wine didn't help with that, and i didn't know Chan was coming" She said tears flowing through her eyes, even though her actions were hurtful to him he can't stand it seeing her like this

He took a big breath and hugged her close, something she has been longing for "I'm disappointed at you wonchae, let's talk in the morning I'll take a day off" He said pulling out from the hug and smiling slightly at her, wiping her tears with his thumb "Go take a shower, I'll go after" He said helping Chaewon down as she nodded and made her way to their bed room

After she was out of sight, Y/n sighed and plopped down on the seat next to the sofa and stared at it disgusted, he grabbed the bottle of wine chugging it a little bit before placing it on the kitchen counter "What am i gonna do"


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