Hwang Yeji | Lost You

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[Angst/Mention of Death]
[Male Reader]

The clock struck Midnight, A figure fell asleep on the couch barely clutching her phone that was still open on a messenger app

LightFury: Y/n ah~ are you coming home late tonight?

LightFury: Y/nnnnnie, I missed you, you've been coming home late these days

LightFury: Y/n I made your favorite meal when you come home, we can enjoy it together when you come home!

LightFury: Y/n..?

Message upon message was stacked upon each other, but none of them was read eventually making Yeji fall asleep. Two hours then passed when Yeji woke up by a squeaking brake of a car coming to a stop on their front driveway, she rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock on her phone adjusting her eyes a little bit

When she heard the sound of the click of the door Yeji eyes shot up, she was happy that finally, her Boyfriend was finally home "Annyeong.." A flat tired hoarse voice greeted her, She happily hopped off the couch and quickly hugged him, but her happy mood was then turned sour when she smelled the whiff of alcohol coming out from him 

"You've been drinking again haven't you" Yeji stepped away from y/n crossing her arms "Yeji, I don't wanna argue about this" Y/n said stepping aside from her and untieing his tie completely, "No, we talked about this Y/n I don't like it when you come home drunk, especially at night Y/n" Yeji said chasing after him "Jesus Yeji, it was for a client, what am I supposed to do? Denied them and potentially cause our company millions?" Y/n asked with every sentence his tone getting angrier and angrier "So you wanna choose the company over me Y/n? Your girlfriend of three years?" Yeji asked looking him dead in the eyes, disappointed written all over her face "Ah don't give me that bullshit Yeji, you also know that what i do at work was also for us" Y/n said not backing down "Really y/n? is it for us, or is it just for yourself?" Yeji asked 

The bicker of the two went on and on, with none of them backing down "YOU KNOW WHAT KIM Y/N, I'M FINALLY DONE" Yeji was at her last straw "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU, I HAVE BEEN PATIENT WITH YOU EVER SINCE, BUT YOU'RE JUST TO STUBBORN TO LISTEN TO ME" Yeji said walking over to the their bedroom grabbing her room "Wait where are you going" Y/n asked grabbing her arm "Why do you care, if you can go home late, then i can go out late" She said batting his arm away and walking over the door walking out and slamming the door closed

The once filled with rage room was now dead silent, the deafening silence that will slowly drive a person crazy

Y/n took a deep breath and sat down at the sofa sighing audibly loud "Fuckin hell"

Meanwhile Yeji, was quickly texting one of her Best Friends to see if she can stay there for awhile, with every step Yeji took the urge of turning back and hugging y/n was stronger, but she knows thay they will eventually argue again when she comes home

"Aish..." The Emotions she felt was too much, she squatted down on the side of a building looking at the sky "Fuck you y/n... you made me fell too much that you made me crazy everyday" Yeji sighed cursing to the sky

"Hey there pretty girl you seemed lonely" A tall man who's face was covered up with a mask and also a black cap approached her, She looked at him and didn't respond instead she stood up and tried to leave "Aye aye, it's rude to ignore someone you know" The person said trying to grab her arm "Don't touch me and leave me alone" She quickly averted before he could grab her and glared at him with her piercing gaze

"Fiesty makes it more interesting" The person only step closer to her, Yeji could only stepped back but was halted when her back touched the building behind her

Back in the house realization hit Y/n, he shot uo from his seat and looked at the clock, "Fuck Yeji what were you thinking" When he sees that it was 3am he wasted no time and quickly went outside, he had absolutely no idea where she went

He thought thay she'll probably go to her Friends house so he made his way there. with every cm he walks the urge of guilty, concerned grew stronger"I'm sorry Yeji, hope you're there"

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU BASTARD" a familiar voice stopped y/n in his tracks "Yeji..?" Y/n followed the voice to a small dead end Alleyway

"Noone would hear you darling, now let's see what you got under these" The person hungrily said groping everywhere while Yeji did her best to keep him out of it

"HEY ASSHOLE" Y/n blood pressure risen and couldn't held back, he walked over closer and gave the person a good right hook in the cheek making him stumble and fall "Yeji are you alright?" Y/n quickly hugged her and cupped her cheek, Yeji could only nodded she couldn't believe that he was here and it made her smile, but her smile was turned sour when she sees the person slowly got up

"Okay you go outside and call the cops while i keep this guy busy" Y/n said turning his attention to him "Aish, i was this close of tasting her" The person said wiping the blood out of the corner of her lips "You talk about her again I'll make you not walk again ever" y/n threatened

"Poor choice my friend" The person took something out from his pocket and flipped it out "You'll be in pieces before you could" The person ran over to y/n , but luckily y/n stepped aside hitting the back of his head

Hit after hit was given to the person, it looked like he finally got enough of building, y/n stepped closer "don't mess with my girl" Y/n said to the person, but an audible chuckle came from the person "Big mistake" He suddenly stood up digging his knife in y/n "Never let your guard down" Y/n eyes grew larger the adrenaline quickly died down and was replaced with pain

"Police freeze" Two men with guns pointed the Gun at the two, "Too late officers" The person said letting go of the knife

"Y/N!!" Yeji quickly ran over to y/n "Y/n? y/n? baby stay with me okay" Yeji carefully laid him down "It'll be okay baby, stay with me okay" Yeji frantically said  shouting to the cops for help

"Yeji ah~" Y/n mustered up the energy to call for her "Yes y/n im here baby" Yeji looked into the eyes of her lover "Im really sorry Yeji, i really love you" Y/n said fighting too stay awake "I know Y/n, I love you too, hang in there okay" Yeji replied her eyes slowly glistening "I don't think I'll make it Yeji" Y/n said feeling doozy "No don't say that y/n you'll make it, stay with me okay, alright stay with me" Yeji begged clutching her lover close to her "Take care of yourself LightFury... be happy okay... ill be there for you in your heart..." Y/n said, his breath getting slower.....

and then it eventually stopped "no... please". Yeji cupped his cheeks "please y/n...." Yeji placed her forehead on his "I love you baby... so much"


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