JiU | Practice

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[Gender Neutral]
[Requested By: twicex0nce2001]

Third person pov

At the Happy face entertainment Building the head ceo of is bustling down the halls greeting the employers there till he found the person he has been looking for "Yoo Y/n" The man greeted with a huge smile on his face, y/n notice their ceo and quickly stood up and slightly bowing the man "Good morning ceo nim" They replied smiling back "I already told you, you can call me hyung instead" The man smiled "Sorry hyung, so what's up" Y/n asked

"Well if you already know that dreamcatcher is given the opportunity to perform at MAMA" the man said and y/n nodded "Yeah i know, i'm teaching the dance later to them" Y/n replied "That's good, but there's another thing" he said making y/n a bit confused "They didn't change the song did they, if so than i could i'll go change the choreo than" Y/n said hastily "Relax y/n, they didn't change the song, in fact they added it" He smiled "Ahh that's a rel- wait they added it?" Y/n asked looking at their ceo "yeah, me and the managing team suggested that Dreamcatcher perform a solo of each member, i already purposed it to the girls and they don't mind" He stopped "And that's why i'm here" He continued

"So you want me to choreograph their solo's" Y/n asked but it the back of their mind they want to groaned out loud, don't get them wrong they like working with the girls but it put so much stress on y/n "Sorry y/n, all of our choreographers are busy in other companies, you're the only i person i have" he said breaking in the news to them "Alright boss, i'll do my best" Y/n smiled at their ceo "I know you will, i'll let you know if we found someone to help you" He said, then after all of that was done the ceo left while y/n went back to sit down

"So new job huh" Your best friend in the company Jack said, y/n tiredly nodded and Jack sighed "Good luck bud, don't overwork yourself yeah?" Jack asked comforting his best buddy "I will thanks" Y/n smiled he grabbed the cup of coffee and bid goodbye to Jack "I'll call you when i get home" Y/n said

They then walked their way to the elevator going to the top where the dance studio was placed *ding* the door of the elevator opens up "Oh, y/n ah hi!" JiU said smiling at her Best Friend, yup Best Friend they have been since y/n was a trainee and JiU was still in MINX "Hey Min Ji ah" Y/n replied entering the elevator "So... boss told you the news yet" JiU asked sparking up a conversation with them "Yup" Y/n said but frowning a bit "Hey wassup, what's with the frown" JiU asked concern about her friend "Eh? it's nothing don't worry bout it" Y/n smiled "You sure, you could tell me y'know" She said nudging them a bit "Thanks i know i can count on you" Y/n smiled again "By the way i like your bangs it looks pretty on you" Y/n complimented

JiU blushed a bit "Thanks i'm trying this out" She replied, soon the doors opened up and they both went on their separate "Hey Y/n!" JiU called making y/n turn their head "Ne noona?" They asked "Call me sometimes it's been awhile okay?" She said and y/n nodded

The three days has been hectic for y/n and for DreamCatcher too, they have to practice over and over till they nail the dance down and as for y/n they need to teach them and as well make their solo parts so far they have made five out of seven members made, all in three days

Y/n have been working relentlessly for the past three days only running on coffee and few minutes of sleep after a while they have finished Yoohyeon's solo dance and immediately collapsed panting hardly "Come on y/n one more you can do it" Y/n mumbled sitting up straight when they sat up their head started pounding "Aish" Y/n groaned grabbing his head "What time is it" Y/n said looking at the clock

"11:28 PM"

"Ahh i've been here almost all day" Y/n chuckled, after the pain was lifting away a bit they stood up and grabbed the phone that was recording their dance, y/n did this incase they wanted to change a bit on their choreo but when y/n checked back they was pleased by it and on to JiU's choreo the last one

Time went by like it was nothing and y/n had only finished half of the choreo of the song, it was frustrating them since they couldn't finish the whole thing, y/n took a breather and sit back down

Y/n began pondering what could they do to finish the choreo, y/n wanted to make it special for JiU not only that she was their Best Friend but also they wanted to make her dance ability stand out and not just her ability to sing

Y/n continue to ponder until they finally figured something out, y/n picked up their phone and deleted the recording and starts a new one

They search for a song that fits the choreo that they wants and had finally found it, they start the song and began a more elegant type of dance

They picked this cause y/n thought that this really fits JiU and would do really well performing it on stage, when they finished y/n let out a sigh of relief and stopped the recording finally y/n was done recording

y/n looked at the time and their eyes widen, it was already morning "Shit i need to give the girls their parts" Y/n quick stood up grabbing their stuff and went to their house to quickly take a shower

It refreshed y/n a bit but the tired state they was feeling was present but they had to push through at least for today, with a change of clothes they rushed back to the company and to the dance studio were Dreamcatcher was waiting

"Hey sorry I'm late" Y/n said as they walked in "It's alr- hey you okay you look like a zombie" JiU asked worriedly "Yeah im okay don't worry" Y/n lied not going unnoticed by JiU and the rest of the girls

"Alright I'm gonna show you your group dance first then your solo parts" Y/n explained getting in front of them, "Y/n if you're not feeling well you can rest for a bit" JiU said still worried for her friend "Nah it's okay noona I'll rest later" Y/n smiled, they couldn't do nothing else and just let y/n do their thing while y/n was clearly not feeling well

Surprisingly the first few half of teaching them y/n was doing well, but going on the second half thet was where things went downhill, y/n step was beginning to become sloppy, some of the members mistake went unnoticed by y/n

SuA noticed their members mistake and decided to call out y/n "yah y/n ah are you sure you're alright, I'm pretty sure si yeon and yoo yeon made some mistakes during their parts" SuA said grabbing their attention

"Oh... Sorry" They said embarrassed "I'll pay attention more" Y/n bowed to them, but was a bad idea but a string of headache went through y/n's head making them groan loudly immediately crouching down and grabbing their head "Y/n, you okay" JiU asked rushing by their side "Yeah im fine" Y/n said "You're clearly not ever since you came in, come on sit down first" She said sitting beside them

"Y/n ah you look really tired, what time did you sleep" Sihyeon asked "I haven't slept for a while" Y/n mumbled embarrassed "YAH! why didn't you rest it's not good for you pabo" JiU scolded them hitting their arm a bit "I was preparing for each of your solo dances, the other choreographer was busy at other companies so i was tasked with this" Y/n said

"But you still could take it easy, our performance is still a few weeks more" Sihyeon said and the other members nodded "I know but i still have a couple of projects left and i want to finish this so it wouldn't mash together" Y/n explained

"Aigoo You're working really hard" JiU said smiling "Thanks Minji noona" Y/n returned the smile "Well you can rest for a bit i can take over for you, i remembered the dance" SuA suggested and the other members agreed "Okay then, sorry i wasn't at my fullest right now I'll make it up to you guys" y/n apologized "You can treat me to some dinner later if you're well rested" JiU whispered making y/n blush "Yah we can hear you" Dami said

"Anyways let's go practice" JiU said avoiding the topic, y/n went up and sit down on one of the couches there, they was proud that they were doing well and with SuA guidance they will be better, y/n closed their eyes for a bit and went into a deep slumber

"Sshhh, you'll wake them up" Someone said, y/n was slowly waking up hearing all the commotions, they tried lifting their arms but y/n's right one couldn't, like a weight was pulling it down

Y/n slowly looked at their right and smiled, there was JiU sleeping on their shoulder peacefully, u/n thought that she looks so cute like that and stayed like that for awhile "You two look cute to be honest" Dami teased them "I know" Y/n mumbled under their breath


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