Kang Hyewon | Anything For You

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[Gender Neutral]

"What's all this" Hyewon asked with an unamused tone as she stepped into her and Y/n's shared apartment "It's your mea, after a hard day at work" Y/n smiled widely presenting the food they have prepared earlier while hyewon was busy at work, nowadays they have spent less time together due to hyewon's busy schedule but despite that y/n always made it work, they understand her situations and wouldn't wanna stress her more. "I've already ate" She said hanging her coat and sat down on the sofa opening her phone

This broke y/n heart a little, who wouldn't? when they spent all evening preparing your partner's favourite meal and they won't even spare a glance at it "Can you atleast eat some of it " Y/n asked turning to face her "I already ate y/n, can you please not bother me now" She glared standing up to go to their room "Then what about all this then, i worked hard making this" Y/n said raising their voice a bit "Eat it yourself then, or just throw it out, it doesn't look good anyways" She said slamming the door shut

Y/n could only let out a painful chuckle and sat down looking at the food in front of them still steaming a bit "*Sighs* whatever" Y/n stood up grabbing the pot filled with malatang and was about to throw it all in the garbage disposal, y/n stopped and put down the pot not wanting to waste the food, y/n just decided to put it in two containers, y/n stored one in the fridge and for the other one y/n bagged it

Y/n then put on his shoes and coat and walked out of the apartment heading somewhere, once reaching there they knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door, the door clicked open "Hello? Oh y/n?" The person asked, surprised by their presence "Hey Minju" The latter smiled "Why did you come so suddenly, come on in" She said opening the door more and stepping aside and Y/n stepped in the home "You haven't answered me y/n" She said sitting down an "What? I can't visit my sister anymore?" Y/n chuckled "You can, it's just so sudden, wassup?" She said looking back at her sibling "Just wanna give you this" Y/n said grabbing the container from the bag and placed it on the dining room table

Minju smiled and quickly went to the table and opened the container "Wah isn't this for Hyewon?" She looked at Y/n, They awkwardly chuckled and said "Yeah, but she hasn't eaten it yet" Y/n said "Eh? then you should bring it back then, im sure she would want more" Minju said closing the lid back and was about to put it back "It's fine, she hasn't ate it because she already ate" Y/n said, now making Minju confused Hyewon wasn't the one to reject Y/n's Cooking, she asked what's wrong and her sibling told them what happened and she could just only shook her head "Aish that girl, Well it's a good thing you didn't throw it out let's eat it" Minju smiled grabbing a bowl and some eating utensils

Back at the apartment, Guilt was finally creeping into Hyewon, she puts down her phone and sighed 'I was too harsh on them' she thought, she stood up wanting to apologize to y/n she opened the door but there was no presence of them anywhere she looked everywhere but y/n was gone 'Aish where did they go' She thought getting frustrated, she went back to her room and was about to call Y/n but just her luck Hyewon's phone died "Great" She said under her breathe, frustrated she throw her phone onto the bed and flopped down

To add the cherry on top of her shit show sundae, Hyewon's stomach grumbled 'Aish' She groaned and stood up 'Why did I even lie to Y/n? that malatang never looked so delicious' She thought, with every step she take the more regret she felt, she went into the cupboard looking for some ramen but to no luck there wasn't any

She prayed that there was some type of food in the fridge before opening it, after that she swung the fridge door open and there it was the treasure she was looking for all along "I thought Y/n would actually throw this out" She mumbled taking out the food and opening it "Why did i even say, This looks so good even" She regretted, Hyewon put the food on a bowl big enough and heated it up and set it into the table "Thanks for the food" She said and began munching

"I Thought you said it wasn't good" Y/n suddenly said after entering the apartment, hyewon couldn't answer and just looked down on her food, Y/n flopped down on the couch opening their phone, there was an awkward silence in the room and Hyewon mustered enough courage to start a conversation with her partner "Where have you been?" She said not looking at them because she was scared of their gaze, it's the first time They was mad at her, usually it was the other way around "Minju's" Y/n replied shortly, they then turn off their phone and headed to their shared room "Wait" Hyewon stood up grabbing Y/n's arm making them looked at her "I..i'm sorry" Hyewon said not looking at their eyes "I was stressed at work these past few weeks and i pass all of my frustrations on you, i'm sorry for what i said, i'm sorry for hurting you" She said finally looking at y/n just to see them smile "I know, i just wanna hear you say it " Y/n said cupping her cheeks "Gosh you're a messy eater" Y/n chuckled and wiped some of the sauce off of the corner of her mouth with the sleeve of their sweater, She blushed and quickly hugged Y/n "I miss this" Y/n smiled and hugged her tightly "I love you Kwangbae" Y/n said kissing the crown of her head "I love you too Y/n" She said snuggling her face across their chest.


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