Shin Ryujin | Why?

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Genre : - Angst 

[Third Person POV]

"You sure it'll do well ChanHyuk ah" JaeHyun said fiddling with the strum of his guitar "I'm sure it'll do well, now go out there and Impress your girlfriend" ChanHyuk smiled tho JaeHyun couldn't feel the sincerity of his emotions but he just shrugged it off "Thanks, I'll go get ready" He said and ChanHyuk nodded " *Sighs* That poor innocent soul" ChanHyuk mumbled as he watched him walk away.

ChanHyuk and JaeHyun, the unexpected duo to become best "friends", to JaeHyun eyes ChanHyuk was a friendly, outgoing, and extroverted guy, heck he even helped JaeHyun on confessing to know his Girlfriend Shin Ryujin, arguably the most Prettiest and Badass girl on the school grounds, and yet He was lucky enough to make her his.

Though all of that is in JaeHyun's eyes only, people who had known ChanHyuk long enough knows his ulterior motives, though they couldn't care less to tell JaeHyun about it, it's not their problem.

Other than ChanHyuk, JaeHyun doesn't have any other close friends, other than the exception of Yuna, They clicked almost immediately when Ryujin met them, though it took him a lot of begging for her to finally let him meet them.

Back to the present, JaeHyun was warming himself up for the school talent fair he was gonna perform, the first one of the year, while he was getting ready he was suddenly back hugged by a familiar blonde haired girl "Hyun ah" She mumbled burying her face closer to his back, he cracked a smile and turned to face her "Haii" He showed her his smile and hugged her closer "Hai, i wanna say goodluck on your performance later" She smiled giving him a peck on his lips "Thanks Ryujin ah" He smiled "JaeHyun, your performance is next" One of the handlers said and he nodded, he gave a quick peck to Ryujin and a quick goodbye, once he left her expression turned to a disgusted one "Ugh" She scoffed wiping her lips

"You're getting good at this" ChanHyuk appeared behind her "Yeah, after tonight you better pay me up, for agreeing with this shit" Ryujin glared at the boy "Yeah yeah yeah, it's not my fault you lose" He grinned closing the gap on them and giving her the most sloppy kiss ever almost like being kissed by a dog "Your much better than him" Ryujin smirked and he led him to the crowd area to see her "Boyfriend" Perform

They arrived on time when JaeHyun was about to perform, he cleared his throat before finally singing, the song he chose was Boy With Luv and he made the acoustic version of it, he close his eyes smiling imagining all the good time he did with his lovely Girlfriend, to the day his feelings got accepted up to their first date, it took awhile for Ryujin to break her cold facade down but he managed to do it, well that's what he thought, She dropped her coldness all of the sudden, for someone else it's a red flag, but for him, he thought that finally all of his hard work was noticed and appreciated by Her.

He opened his eyes and was met by Ryujin's, she noticed this and smiled at him, he felt uneasy with the smile but shrugged it off and just thought that is only his feeling, He finished performing and stepped down, leaving the applauding crowd and went on search for Ryujin

He found her amongst the crowd and went near here "Hey" He smiled wrapping both arms around her "Hey, you did great baby" She cooed giving him a peck and he smiled widely "Thanks baby" He said enjoying the show as it goes on "Geez get a room you two" Yuna appeared behind them "Yeah respect the singles over here" ChanHyuk said while on the other side Ryujin just smirked but it goes unnoticed by the two "Anyways Seungmin is throwing an after party later for the performers, wanna join?" Yuna asked looking at the two of them "Yeah i'm in" Ryujin answered "What about you baby?" She asked looking at JaeHyun "Yeah sure if your going too" He smiled looking at her and she side hugged him "Okay then i'll tell him" She smiled leaving the two

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