Irene | About me..?

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Genre: Angst
Reader: Gender Neutral
TW: none

It was a cold Saturday evening, You leaned your back against the wall of the supermarket taking a pack of Marlboro out of your pockets taking one out and lighting inhaling and puffing out the emotions and stress you had been carrying the past week

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It was a cold Saturday evening, You leaned your back against the wall of the supermarket taking a pack of Marlboro out of your pockets taking one out and lighting inhaling and puffing out the emotions and stress you had been carrying the past week

You open up your phone and see tons of messages from your friends and some from your girlfriend


Y/n I'm sorry

Please come back

Let's talk about it

Let's start over

Please respond to me as soon as you read this

I'll be waiting for you at home

Love you...

A bitter chuckle escaped from your mouth, it was so bitter it made the cigarette look like a lollipop "It was always like this huh" Leaning your head back to the wall looking at the night sky

Memories of you and Irene flooded in, from the moment you met to the first date till the moment when everything went downhill


"BaeHyunnnn" Your smile lit up as soon as your girlfriend stepped into your shared apartment with her "Hey y/n" She replied with almost no energy left in her and plopped down on the couch

"What's wrong?" Worriedly you sat close to her and embraced her "Nothing, just work had been tiring lately" Irene said with a tired smile and leaned her head into your chest

You knew what she felt mostly because you are an Idol yourself, though your group hasn't debuted as long as Red Velvet you could tell it had taken a toll on her

"Hey, I'm here whenever you need okay? Whether I'm practising or whatever just let me know and I'll be there" You smiled and Irene nodded before eventually falling asleep in your embrace

You thought that it would be better but you guessed wrong, every passing day you felt more and more distant from Irene, it was as if you were back into square one again

You two had no time together, when you would try and talk to her she would mostly be too tired to pay attention, but you didn't mind at first.

Day after day went on like that, to the point you have been struggling with your Idol life, most of the members noticed but you didn't wanna worry them so you just said some bullshit story and they sorta believed it (They didn't, they just don't wanna push into it more). You felt as if you had no one to talk to anymore

Until tonight that's where you felt the loneliest the most, Today was September 14th, Your birthday, Your family had face timed you, and your members and your friends went to visit you at your apartment and genuinely had a fun time, well mainly your friends, most of the time you were checking your phone to see if there's a message from your Girlfriend, but there was none.

The night slowly came to an end all of the guests had already left, You cleaned your place a little bit from the mess and that's when the door opened

Irene looked around and was a bit stunned "Did your friends come" She asked feeling a bit annoyed at the mess

You on the other hand are excited that she finally arrived but that soon changes when she doesn't congratulate you, you think that she is probably playing a prank on you

Minutes went by and she hadn't said a word yet, by then you had finished cleaning and set aside the broom "So... BaeHyun ah~ do you know what today is" You decided to play along sitting beside her in the dining room "Uh... It's Saturday the 14th why?" She said without looking up from her phone "Uhm... Is there any specific thing that may happened today.. maybe?" You asked at this rate you are thinking that she might have forgotten 'There is no way she would... Right?'

"Look's there something you wanna tell me 'cause I don't have the energy for this" Irene snapped giving you an attitude. Long gone was the excitement that you had felt it was now replaced with the feeling of disappointment and pissed

"Hey, what's with the tone I'm just asking you because it-" You were cut off by her saying "Please y/n don't have the energy okay, Being an idol has been stressful and the allegations about me hasn't been helping" She rubbed her temple

"What about me? Don't you think it was difficult for me as well? I had to deal with the same thing you dealt with, but still, I tried my best to be a good partner for you, but you acted like I didn't do shit to help" You were at your limit now

"Y/n, what you are experiencing it's very different from what I'm going through alright, and besides our-" Irene stopped herself but you knew what she was about to say  "What Joohyun, our what" You crossed your arms and she rolled her eyes "What are you gonna say? Our group isn't that popular with yours?" You accused her "Y/n! Not everything is always about you!"

"When has it been about me huh Irene? when?" There, right there was your tipping point "I got home wanting, longing for your embrace, your voice just so it could give me a sense of confidence that I could go through it, and I was trying to do the same, I wanna be there for you, I want to fight for you not against you" You took a deep breath "But for the last week I couldn't feel a presence of you, we're living in the same room, but I felt as if I was living alone" At this point, you didn't notice the tears on your cheeks

"Y/n im-" Irene couldn't finish her sentence, couldn't make the situation any better now, feeling unbearable in the room right now, you put on your shoes "Where are you going to?" Irene said "Out" You replied simply and grabbed the door handle "Oh and I asked you the date because it was my Birthday" You slammed the door and walked where your feet guided you

Back at the apartments, Joohyun dropped down to her knees on the floor sobbing uncontrollably "Y/n... I'm sorry"


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