Yoohyeon | Time Together

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[Gender Neutral]
[Requested By: @twicex0nce2001 ]

It was Saturday morning the sun already raised, shining brightly lighting up Y/n's room "Ugh Pie can you please get off of me" The 22 year old said disturbed out of their slumber by a certain pomeranian licking their face off "Okay okay" Y/n groaned standing up seeing the culprit sitting down on their lap making them chuckle "You're lucky you're cute" Y/n smiled, they the other side of the bed seeing that it's empty "She left early huh bud" They asked the pom and they let out a tiny whine and jumping down the bed grabbing something on the floor "Aye pie don't eat that" Y/n panicked picking up the pup and grabbing the piece of paper they were playing with

Y/n puts down Pie and wanted to throw away the paper until they noticed the familiar hand writing on it, Y/n opened the piece of paper it was Yoohyeon's handwriting, looks like she wrote it in a hurry

"Yeobo, i'm sorry that i wasn't there when you wake up, i remembered we had a shooting early in the morning, and i write this because i forgot to charge my phone hehehe, anyways don't forgot to walk Pie okay i'll see you later at the afternoon, Bye! Love you!"

Y/n smiled after they was done reading it and looked over to Pie "Wanna go for a Jog buddy" Y/n asked squatting down petting the Pomeranian, Pie excitedly wagged their tail making Y/n giggle "I'll go change first buddy" They left to their closets changing into some joggers and some running shoes with a hoodie completing the outfit

After a few hours Pie and Y/n arrived back home, Pie went straight into their bed yawning, Y/n chuckled and let the pomeranian be, Y/n went into the kitchen grabbing Pie's bowl and feeling it up with water and placing it next to them "Here you go buddy" Y/n smiled petting their hair

"Good to see you being a good Dad" Yoohyeon said next to them surprising them a bit, Y/n hugged her quickly missing her presence while she was gone "I thought you said you were coming home late" Y/n said muffled "Shooting got cut short, the set wasn't ready since they rushed it'' Yoohyeon said, pushing them away slightly "You stink Yeobo" She said giggling "Sorry i'll shower" Y/n said grabbing a water bottle and drinking it

"Have you ate yet?" Y/n asked and Yoohyeon shook her head "Wanna grab something to eat outside?" Y/n asked, She stood up quickly and grabbing their hand "Lets Go" She said dragging them out "You said i stink Jagi" Y/n teased "You can shower later" She said, they are now outside the apartment complex 

"Let's go, my friend just opened up a nearby shop not to far from here" Y/n said, still holding hands they walk together through the not so occupied complex "I missed this you know" Y/n said looking at their Girlfriend "Us hanging out, taking on walks and small dates" Yoohyeon gave them a smile and nodded "I miss this too" She said smiling  "How was the shoot" Y/n asked "It was fine we didn't have to record that long and most of the individuals shots was already taken" Yoohyeon said "You'll do great Jagi" Y/n said "I know" She smirked making y/n playfully push her 

After some time they reached the shop Y/n was talking about it was a small comfy cafe that was used to be a garage, They ordered 2 drinks and some food enough for the two of them and enjoyed each other's company knowing Yoohyeon would be busy the upcoming weeks and Y/n returning back to work after taking a month off

When they finished the food they decided to go to a nearby park and spend more time together, taking photos of each other and recording some videos of them just having fun To the public it may seem like two young adults acting like children screaming and chasing each other but to them it's a memory that they will remember whether it's photographed or just in their minds. They eventually got tired laying down on the grass enjoying their Time Together.

This is probably one of the short oneshots out of all the other ones, hopefully y'all enjoyed it nonetheless!


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