💜Part 4(Annoying fangirls and movie night with ur stepbrothers) 💜

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The hand which grabbed ur hair was one of the fangirl of ur stepbro's."U BI*CH HOW DARE U HOLD MY JK OPPA's HAND"the fangirl screamed angrily at u and grabbing more tightly at ur hair."Pls leave my hair"u said with tears welling up in ur eyes.

Then someone pushed her harshly away from u and that made u fall on the ground(on the ground~💃...sry😅I just like this song alot by rose. Do u like it?).

Then u looked at the person who pushed that crazy fangirl away from u. It was none other then✨Suga✨.He was looking really angry. His pale face was literally red from anger."How dare 'U' touch my sister like that"he said emphasizing 'U'.

Then Jin came and made u stand up who has now tears rolling down her cheeks.He thought of taking u to their personal room(coz why not? They're rich rich💰💵).As u see(I mean read) they're the owner of the school so yeah they've a personal room in which they spend time when they've free period or somthin.

*the personal room*(ignore the window plz😬)

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*the personal room*(ignore the window plz😬)

U and Jin got in the room and he made u sit carefully coz when u previously fell down and it becoz of that ur knee got scratched.U were crying coz ur knee and hair were paining alot.

"Calm down y/n...let me put some bandages and ointment on ur knees"Jin said with a small sweet smile. The other brothers also came while Jin was finding the first-aid kit.He then came with it and applied oinment on ur knees first then put a bandage around it."Do u have any spare clothes y/n-ie? "Jin asked noticing ur tored pants and the dirty top becoz of mud. U shook ur head as no. "I've a hoodie u can change in it in the washroom"Namjoon said hesitantly.

U nodded ur head innocently whlie saying an small inaudible ok. Namjoon stood up opening a drawer and taking out a white hoodie,he then gave it to u and u took it then go to the washroom
which was instructed by Jin.

*the washroom*U then take off ur clothes and wore the hoodie with safety shorts which u took from ur bag as u always have it with u

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*the washroom*
U then take off ur clothes and wore the hoodie with safety shorts which u took from ur bag as u always have it with u.

*the washroom*U then take off ur clothes and wore the hoodie with safety shorts which u took from ur bag as u always have it with u

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