💜Part 17:Dance partner pt.2 and y/n's handmade food💜

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(y/n's pov)

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(y/n's pov)

When the d.t said my partner I was shocked.I felt someones stares on me I looked around the room just to see that new guy jackson staring at me with a devilish smirk but it vanished when our eyes met.I rolled my eyes at him secretly as he slowly came towards me and stood in front of.

I can sense that all of my brother's r throwing daggers at jackson.

Jackson:"So...Y/n-ie this is my phone no. and my address come at my home at 5:30"

Maknae line:"Yah! You boy stay away from our sister and she'll not come to ur house u can come to our house and here take our no.
We will send the address on it.Come at 5:30 in the evening".

Oppa's said that to him and the other oppa's dragged me with them.

Suga:"Ok...doll let's go to the p.e class as I know we all have same class"

I nodded and we all headed to the p.e changing room.

e changing room

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*my p.e outfit*
I saw all the oppa's standing in a line with other student's I go and stand in the line.

*time skip after all the classes ended*

(still y/n's pov)

The school is over and right now I'm heading to the parking lot.
I reach there and saw all of my brother's were waiting for me.
I go and sit in the limo and the others also entered in it and we all got home.

I then immediately go to my room and take a shower as I was drenched in sweat.

I then go to my closet and change my clothes in to something and go downstairs.

*my clothes*(I know the skirt is too short😅 but u can imagine it urself if u don't like it😊)

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*my clothes*
(I know the skirt is too short😅 but u can imagine it urself if u don't like it😊)

I was just at home and oppa's won't allow me to wear something like this outside so I thought of wearing it at home as it was one of my favourite's.

I go downstairs then to the kitchen as I was hungry.I opened the fridge to see NOTHING?!?

This whole damn big a** fridge doesn't even have any food.I then thought of searching the cabinets to see something but there were no packets of some food which can be made in instant.I pouted and then thought of making something. I flinched when I heard a voice behind me.

Jin:"Princess wht r u doing?"

Y/n:"Oh...oppa I was just hungry so I came here to take some food but there's none"I pouted cutely.

Jin:"Really? Here the maids just came home from the grocery store...but y/n can u make the food right now?as we're going to an meeting tonight so just make something right now. I'll tell the boys ok?"

Y/n:"Ok then oppa"

I then started to make some black bean noodles and kimchi for all of us becoz I know oppa's will come home late so they need energy for doing work.

*Time skip after the food was prepared*

*Time skip after the food was prepared*

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*black bean noodles or jjangmeyeon*

*black bean noodles or jjangmeyeon*

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I then call of the oppa's in the dining room as I help the maids with arranging the table.

I saw the oppa's coming running like small babies in the dining room and taking seats as they all served themselves the food and started eating it.

Namjoon:"Butterfly it's really tasty u make really better food then jin hyung"

The others also nodded their head with mouth full of the noodles and kimchi.I chuckled an took a seat and also started eating.

*time skip after eating at 5:30 pm*

(bts's pov)

We and our baby sis were all sitting in the living room playing uno.As we were playing we heard the bell rang.

Y/n:"Oh it's already 5:30 I guess jsckson is here for the dance practice.I'll go and lead him here wait for me"

We were going to say something but she was already gone so we all looked at eachother and rushed to front door too.

As we reached there we saw that new kid hugging our sister and y/n was trying to free herself from that bastard's grip.

•Hello there beautiful ppl.I was going to write more but theres some problem which has occurred in this so I guess I'll try to post as soon as possible.Sorry I'll try my best to post as soon as possible😞•


              (to be continued)

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