💜Part 28:Rude employee and Truth or dare?💜

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•Hello there beautiful readers... I posted one chapter today but it was really short and one of the readers RituSinghal3 wanted me to do her request soo here it is...hope u enjoy reading it~😊•

*y/n's pov*

It has been a week since that business party.Oppa's have been busy with their 'mafia' work.I'm always going to school alone and coming alone.Its just me,maids and bodyguard's in the house.

Today oppa's came from their mission and as today is saturday and Tomorrow is sunday.I then sighed and go to sleep as it was now almost midnight.

*the next day*

(y/n's pov)

I woke up and go to my bathroom and took a shower.I then head to my closet and changed my clothes.

I then head to my closet and changed my clothes

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*my clothes and hairstyle with makeup *

I then head downstairs just to see no one.I pouted sadly and go to the kitchen and started making breakfast as maids were having an day off.

I made some pancakes and chocolate milkshake.Then I put all of it on the dining table.

*Time skip after all of the boys woke up and came downstairs to the dining room to have the breakfast*

Jin:"Woah~the smell was coming till my room. Princess I've to admit that u really r better than me in cooking"

I just smiled and said,

Y/n:"Ah...oppa don't say that u also make delicious food"

Then we all sat down and started eating.

Y/n:"Oppa can we play something?"

Namjoon:"Sure butterfly...but we all have an important meeting today...soo maybe after we come home at night?"

Y/n:"Ok...but can I come to the company today?I want to hangout with Jia unnie(receptionist)"

Suga:"Sure u can doll"

I jumped up and down excitedly and we all go to the car and then drove off to the company.

As we entered I immediately go to the reception and hug jia unnie.

Jia:"Hii y/n-ie~"

Y/n:"Hi unnie..."

And then we started talking random things as oppa's go their meeting room for meeting.

After sometime jia unnie got some work so she got busy so I thought of going to the cafeteria.

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