💜Part 18:Dance partner pt.3💜

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(Bts's pov)

We immediately go to our sister and gently but firmly(I don't know if it makes sense😐)take her from that bastard's grip.We all glared at him but he just smirked at us which was not noticed by y/n.

(y/n's pov)

As I open the door I was met with a bonecrushing hug.I tried to breath and remove his grip from around my body but he wasn't letting it go.

Suddenly I was free from that Jackson's grip and was trying to breathe properly.

I saw Tae oppa holding my forearm and jimin oppa hugging me while other oppa's were circling us and glaring jackson.

Suga:"Who r u to hug my doll like that huh?"

Oppa asked jackson while giving an dark glare to him.

Y/n:"Oppa leave it right now we've to practice the whole dance today itself.U can ask him later ok? Jackson u can sit in the living room I'm just going to change my clothes to dance clothes"

Jackson:"Why? This clothes r perfecf for dancing😏"

Bts:"YAH! HOW DARE U?!?"

Y/n:"Uhm no I don't feel comfortable in this and I'm going oppa's will lead u to the living room "

I said and quickly scurried away to my room. I quickly changed in to my dance clothes and go to the living room.

* this is what I wore*

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* this is what I wore*

I got there saw my brother's  and jackson sitting on opposite sides and oppa's glaring at jackson.

Y/n:"Jackson let's go to the dance room now"

Jackson nodded and got up.We started heading to the dance room.

As we got there we started doing some stretches then started practicing our dance after choosing a perfect song.

*time skip after 2 hours*

We finished our dance and sat on the ground and breath heavily.I grab the water bottle then open it and drank it.

When we were dancing oppa's comes one by one after some time and check on me and occasionally glare at jackson and tell him not to come near me that much.

Jackson:"Y/n it's  already 7:30 pm I think I should go now...bye"

Y/n:"Ohok then bye"

As he left I go to my room as I know oppa's had gone for their meeting already. I took a shower and wore my pjs and then again go downstairs to the kitchen.

 I took a shower and wore my pjs and then again go downstairs to the kitchen

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