💜Part:21 Kidnapped?💜

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Hello there beautiful readers.I want to say that my first term exams r coming in less then a month (18th oct-27th oct).So I'll try to post but if I can't post regularly pls forgive me in advance🙏😞•

*At midnight in kim's mansion*

(??? Pov)

Me and my gang came to Kim's mansion to kidnap a girl to which our boss is obsessed with. We all enter from the backyard slowly and looking around as there were alot of bodyguards roaming here and there.

We slowly made it to a door which was maybe an entrance from the back.We slowly open it without trying to make any noise and go inside. It was really dark so I take out my phone and opened the flashlight. I took the map of the mansion and started finding the way to that girl named y/n who is a step sister of the most dangerous mafia grp 'BANGTAN SONYEONDAN'.

I saw that it was upstairs.So me and my gang slowly go in upstairs and to the direction where there is a room of that y/n girl.

We all slowly entered and luckily the door wasn't locked.We saw a small figure on the bed wrapped in blankets. I look at my gang members and signalled them that we have to kidnap that girl.

We slowly go to her bed and one of my gang member took out chloroform and sprayed it on a handkerchief and put it near the girls nose to let her smell it.After a little bit time I thought of shaking her to check that if she still conciousness or not. And thankfully she was fainted.

Then we took her in an big jute bag and slowly escaped from the kim's mansion without getting noticed.

(Next morning)

*Jin's pov*

I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and did my morning routine and head out of my room to kitchen to make breakfast as it was already now 6:15. I made the breakfast and look at the time to see that there's only 15 min's left in 7:00.

I quickly go to my other brother's room's and wake them up. After waking them I go to my princess's room and was going to open the door but it was already open.

I go inside and see thr bed empty with bedsheets and the duvet on thge floor. I frowned and go to the bathroom after knocking but no one was there. I immediately go to the closet to see it empty too.

I then run downstairs to see the others in the dining room.

Jin:"G-guy's y-y/n isn't in her r-room"

They all looked at me and namjoon said,
"Hyung she must be in the mansion only. Don't worry I'll tell the maids and bodyguards to search for her"

*time skip after when the bodyguards and maids searched for y/n*

(Bts's pov)

Now we all were worried for our sister coz she wasn't in the whole mansion where could she go?

We all go to her room to see some evidence coz we all think that she was kidnapped from one of our enemies. We looked around as we entered the room but saw nothing.

Jk:"Hyung remember when we gave gift's to y/n?"

namjoon:"Yes we remember but what about that jungkook?"

Jk:"Hyung u gave her an necklace.U also told us before that it has a tracker chip right?"

Namjoon:"Yes  u r right. And I forgot that she always wears that.She was also wearing it yesterday sk I guess she must be wearing it still right now. Suga hyung let's go and track her location then"

Suga hyung nodded. And we all go to our basement where we have our small mafia meeting place.

We reached there and suga hyung started to track her location.

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