💜Part:13(Normal or Chaotic day?)💜

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*After the lunch time in the hallway in locker room*

(Y/n's pov)

Y/n:"Oppa I'm not feeling well can I go home?"

Jk:"What happened?!Wait let me check ur temperature"

Oppa stands up and comes towards me and check my temperature to see if its hot or normal.

Jk:"Phew!its normal but wht happened?"

Y/n:"Ne oppa its just this all is too much for me...I'm heaving a headache"
I tried to speak in my normal voice but my voice cracked a little indicating that I'm about to cry.

Jk:"Calm down my bunny...let's go home...I won't ask u further more questions"

Y/n:"B-but what about ur classes?"

Jk:"Oh...that I'll take notes from one of my friends later but right now lets go.U r my first priority and ofcourse my precious baby sister"
He said while smiling at me.

We both go to the parking lot and sit in our car and go home.

*time skip at home*

We both come out of the car and go to living room.Then oppa said that I should go and rest.

I go to my room and took a long warm water bath in my bathtub.
I then go to my closet and wear something comfy.

*This what I wore*(pls ignore the camera😁)

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*This what I wore*(pls ignore the camera😁)

I go to my room and take out some painkillers that I've for emergency purposes.I took it and swallowed it and drank water on it.

I then go to my big bed and drift to sleep.


(Jk's pov)

As yn goes to her room I immediately take out my phone and call hyungs to tell wht happened today and to know of they found out who that stalker is. I called jin hyung.

Jin:"Jk what happened?Is my princess ok?"

Jk:"Hyung~ U always think about y/n I'm also here u know"

Jin:"Whatever now tell me is she ok?"

Jk:"No hyung she was not feeling well in our lunch time so I thought of bringing her home.And now we both r at home"

Jin:"Why isn't she feeling well?She doesn't get sick easily?"

I told hyung everything that happened at school.

Jin:"THAT BASTARD!!I surely will kill him if he come infront of my eyes"

Jk:"Hyung did suga hyung found out who that bastard is?"

Jin:"No jk but he is still trying to hack it as its highly secured...and yeah pls send that gifts and all that y/n got this morning.So,I can see if there is any tracker or any dangerous thing in it or not."

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