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We got home and I had a call to make while Mads unpacked the two bags into the fridge. I had two friends who lived about fifteen minutes away from us. The phone rung a few times before he picked up and said "Hello?" "Hey man." I said sitting onto the counter. "Ollie hey, what's up?" He asked through the phone.

"Dream, do you and Sap want to come over tonight for some drinks and a fire?" I asked laying back to lay on the counter. "Ollie, you know Nick can't drink." Dream said sounding disappointed. "Okay, neither can Maddie but she still does." I said shaking my head.

"True, what time?" Dream asked giving into my antics. "Nine, see you then." I said sitting up with a smile. "Bye O, see you at nine." Clay said with a sigh. "Bye." I said hanging up the phone.

I looked over at Maddie and said, "Skating now?" The girl nodded and then ran upstairs to my room, she came back down with her skateboard in hand. I walked towards the front of the house grabbing my keys and board out of the front room.

"I'm leaving Ran!" I yelled picking up my bag off the chair. "Bye!" He yelled back as I opened the door. We walked out the door and I locked it behind us. The day was nice and it was cool, so I didn't have to worry about my insulin spoiling.

We made our way to the skate park, which wasn't to far from my house. Once we got there I checked my levels and it said I was okay so I took that as a sign to go skate. I dropped into the bowl and then did a frontside air trick I had recently learned, receiving some applause from some skate park locals.

I did a few more tricks and things on some ramps, then started to feel a bit dizzy. I sat down on one of the tables to check my levels. I was extremely low, I made eye contact with Mads and I did our signal to let her know I was low.

We came up with the sign when I was diagnosed with diabetes. I was 10 when I was diagnosed. Our sign was we made eye contact and then I pointed to my site and pointed down or up with my thumb.

She nodded, said bye to some people, and then made her way over to me. "How low?" She mouthed still being a few feet away from me. "Extremely." I said digging through my bag looking for a snack. "I'm out of snacks too." I said looking up and closing the bag.

"Lets go get you some. There is a gas station like not to far from here." Maddie said looking down the street. I nodded and hopped off the table and put my bag on my back and grabbed my board. We got on our boards and started to skate.

I was very glad I noticed my levels when I did. When I let my levels drop to far I faint. When I faint I wind up in the hospital for a few days so they can keep an eye on my levels. I also get at least one lecture and three new types of meds I have to take. Then when I get discharged I have to go back a week later for them to make sure I'm better.

It's a big process so I try not to let my levels drop to low to the point where I faint. We finally made it to the gas station. When we got there we put our boards down by the door. I walked into the candy isle and grabbed a bag of gummy worms, a Hershey bar, and a pack of Smarties.

I met with Maddie at the register and payed for the candy and drinks. We picked up our boards at the door and left the store. We were sat on the sidewalk when Mads came up with a good idea."Do you want to take a ride to our olds schools?" Maddie asked looking over at me with a grin. I nodded and we quickly skated off.

In school and to this day Maddie and I were known as a couple of trouble makers. We would get in a lot of trouble at school and to this day. We have had the cops called on us a few times but never actually got arrested. None the less Mads and I always had fun.

Our first stop was our old elementary school, Lakeside Elementary. As we skated up to the school you could see kids out on the playground, playing and looking very happy. "Should we ask to go to Mrs. Carlson's class?" Maddie asked as we made it closer to the school. "For sure." I said as we entered to school.

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