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"Lets go so piss boy can calm himself." I said laughing with Karl. "Living room?" He asked loud enough for Dream to hear. I nodded and Karl helped me walk over to the living room. I sat down on the couch and Karl sat next to me.

Out of no where Patches came in and jumped in my lap. "I was gonna put my head there." Karl said looking at Patches annoyed. "Here." I said moving Patches to my side and patting my legs. Karl laid back and I sat and stroked the cat and played with Karl's hair.

"Karlos!" Quackity yelled from the other side of the room. "Uh?" Karl mumbled looking over towards Quackity. "Come here." He said waving his hands. Karl got up and him, Quackity, and Sapnap walked into the dinning room. A few seconds later George walked in and sat next to me.

"Hi." I said smiling at him. "Hey." He said looking over at me, "Can we talk?" "Sure." I said turning to face him. "So you and Karl did the dirty. How are you feeling?" He asked with a giggle. "Like I can't walk and I have Karl bite marks all over my neck." I said looking at George a bit annoyed.

"Well yes but other than that. How is he like in bed?" George asked as if he was on a mission of some sort. "What? Why do you need to know?" I asked raising my voice a bit. "Just curious." He said shrugging his shoulders. "Well don't be." I said turning to face to TV.

"Come on Ollie." George whined and shook my shoulder. I felt myself go light headed and knew it wasn't good. "I need Karl." I whispered over to George. "Uh?" He asked. "Karl, can you get him for me please." I said again but a bit louder. "Okay?" George said very confused.

He got up and walked into the dinning room. A few seconds later Karl came walking into the living room with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay, Love?" He asked walking over to me. I shook my head and looked up at him. "What's wrong?" He asked becoming more worried.

"My head." I said holding onto the side of my head feeling it pound. "Okay. Sapnap stay with her they need their meds." Karl said in a panic. "What? Karl what is going on?" George yelled watching Karl run upstairs. "Nick what is going on?" Quackity asked looking between me and Sapnap.

"She didn't take their meds or her insulin." Sapnap said everything clicking in his brain. "Water, make them drink." I heard Dream say handing Nick a bottle of water. "Ollie, drink this." Nick said uncapping the bottle and handing to me.

"Karl, where is he?" I asked the whole room spinning and my vision going blurry. "I don't know but drink." Nick said looking up the stairs. "I found it. I took me a bit but I did." I heard Karl's voice say. I felt hands on my knees and then my shirt being lifted up.

I knew Karl was doing my insulin so I just stayed still. At this point it was hard to see anything so I was just listening. "Ollie can you see?" Karl asked holding onto my hand. "A little." I said rubbing the back of his hand. "Okay, can you take you meds by yourself?" He asked rubbing my cheek.

I nodded and opened up my hand. The meds landed in the palm of my hand I took a sip of water and put the meds in my mouth. I swallowed it and felt Karl's hand go back on mine. I laid my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes.

"Are they okay?" I heard Quackity ask in a panic. "She'll be fine." I heard Sapnap answer. "What happened?" The British boy asked. "She didn't take her meds and it was passed time." Karl answered using his thumb to stroke the back of my hand. The rest of their conversation I zoned out for.

Eventually I opened my eyes and I could she again. "Love, are you okay?" Karl asked looking over at me. "I can see again but my head is still spinning." I said the room still spinning a bit. "Okay, do you want to go lay down upstairs?" He asked his voice soft.

"No, I'll lay out here." I said laying my head down in Karl's lap. "Okay." He said running his hands through my hair. We stayed like that until Dream announced that breakfast was done. Karl helped me to the dinning room and we sat down.

I sat with Karl on my right and Sapnap on my left. As we started talking I asked a question, "What are we doing today?" "Ollie we are not doing anything." Sapnap said eating a strawberry. "Why?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"One you can't walk and two you almost just passed out." Dream said sounding like an older brother. "Those are such stupid reasons." I said putting my fork down making it clatter. "Love, it is just not a good idea to go out." Karl said placing his hand on my thigh. I looked into Karl's eyes and he was being genuine.

"Fine." I said looking towards Dream, "but I'm not happy about it." "I can live with that." Dream said causing me to sick my tongue out at him. He shrugged and we spent the rest of breakfast talking and making jokes.

After we were done and cleaned up it was already noon. None of us were hungry for lunch so we all hung out and played games. My phone started ringing so I picked it up and walked slowly into the kitchen.

"Hello." I said sounding very happy. "Hey." The voice said on the other side of the line. "Will, what's up?" I asked leaning against the counter. "Nothing much, I was just wondering how the lyrics are going?" He asked sounding very excited.

"They are going." I said knowing the truth. "Ollie have you even wrote anything?" Will asked sounding disappointed. "Yes, actually quite a lot I just have writers block." I said letting out a sigh. "Send me over a pdf. I will read it over and get back to you." He said sounding a bit happier.

"Okay, I'll text you it." I said looking down at the floor. "Okay great, bye Ollie." Wilbur said sounding more enthusiastic. "Okay bye Will." I said hanging up the phone. I opened messages on my phone and sent Wilbur the pdf.

After I was done I walked back into the living room and sat back down next to Karl. "Who was that?" He asked looking curious. "Ranboo, he was asking me to send him something." I said lying. "Okay." Karl said patting his lap.

I sat down in his lap and laid my head on his chest. I didn't want to lie to Karl but I had to. It was a secret and I couldn't spoil it. As it got later I got more tired and me and Karl moved upstairs.

I was still wearing the same clothes from the night prior so I changed and laid down. Karl laid down with me. He had his head on my chest and his arms wrapped around my waist. I had my arms around his lower back and we fell asleep.

A/n: Okay so this chapter is a bit boring at the end but idc. It is what it is. I'm in love with everything going on his this book so far. But if Karl is uncomfortable with any of this plz let me know. Byeee love you all!!!

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