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🔗Time Skip🔗

I shifted around as I heard a phone ring. I heard Karl curse and immediately pick up the phone and walk out of the room. I rolled over and opened my eyes and stepped off the bed. I walked into the living room to find Karl standing on the balcony on the phone.

I opened the door without him hearing and wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back. He held one of my hands as he rubbed his finger on the back of my it. "Okay yeah that sounds perfect." Karl said nodding his head yawning.

I stayed like that for a few minutes, until Karl got off the phone. "I was trying not to wake you up." Karl said slightly looking back at me. "I know but I woke up sadly." I said moving to wrap my arms around his torso, "Who was on the phone?" "Steven Kane." He said with a smile. "Wait, the guy that's doing the house?" I said excitedly.

"Yes, he said that they getting everything together to start building." He said swaying us back and forth. "I'm so excited. Us in a house with Maddie and Nick in North Carolina. George going to live with Dream. And sadly Ranboo moving to the UK." I said saying the last part with a sad look. "He'll be happy in the UK." Karl said rubbing me back.

"I know I'm glad he's finally doing it. You know who else could move in with us?" I asked looking up at Karl. "Who?" "A baby. Our baby." I said with a huge grin. "Really?" Karl asked pulling away jumping up and down. "Yep, when the house is close to done I say we go for it." I said with a laugh.

"Yes!" Karl yelled still jumping around. I laughed and watched him dance around. Soon it got cold and we went back inside. We got changed and went down to the lobby. We walked down the street to some little coffee shop Karl found. We sat down and waited for someone to come take our order.

"Hey." Karl said teaching forward and grabbing my hands. "Hi." I said smiling at him. "Okay, so when we get back home I have to go back home." Karl said looking away from me.

"I thought you said you were coming back to my house." I said furrowing my eyebrows. "Well Jimmy texted and said he needs us to recorded." Karl said looking back at me.

"Oh." I said slouching back in my seat. "No Ollie, you didn't let me finish." Karl said grabbing my attention, "It's a last to leave the circle, but they asked if you wanted to come." "Wait really." I said with a smile.

"Yes. Just as like a special guest." "Okay great. Where are we staying?" "As of now I don't know. But, I'm thinking this is one we might have to stay on set for, but afterwards there is a a game of tag so Jimmy wanted your help. Since your so fast. I also think he wants Sapnap to come too." Karl said looking around the shop. "Seems like fun."

Me and Karl looked at the menu. I took at picture Karl looking at his menu and posted it to Twitter. We ordered and the food came out shortly after. Me and Karl ate, payed, and left.

We walked around the city for a bit before it got to cold and we got a cab back to the hotel. Once we got back me and Karl took off all of our layers and laid in our bed.

"This is nice." I said playing with Karl's hands. "It is." He said snuggling closer to me. "You know like no one knows where we are, besides my brother." I said rolling over to face him. "Oh shit. Yeah we probably should of told some people." "Yeah like Sapnap, Maddie, and Dream." I said moving some of Karl's hair to see his eyes.

"Maybe but now we aren't going to be bothered." Karl said taking my hand from his face and holding it. We laid and talked for what felt like hours until it got dark and Karl told me to bundle up because we were going out. So we did then we went down to the lobby and Karl called us a cab.

Before I knew it we were pulling up infront of the Eiffel Tower. It was lit up and it look beautiful. As we got out I took out my phone and took a bunch of pictures. I turned around to see Karl taking pictures too, but with me. He had a huge smile and looked so happy. I run up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you." I said leaning closer to him. "I love you too." He said with a huge smile. "Thank you so much for everything ever." I said feeling tears in my eyes. I didn't know one person could make me so happy. "Ollie." Karl said wiping a tear that I let slip. "I just want you to know that everytime I've ever said I love you I meant it." "I know, and I've meant it everytime I said it to you too." Karl said shaking me slightly.

Our lips met and about a minute later we pulled away. "I say we get back to the hotel." I said feeling me nose start to freeze. "Yeah lets go." Karl said giggling. Karl called a taxi that brought us back to the hotel.

Once we got back we warmed up and were hanging out in the kitchen while Karl made me coco. I pulled out me phone and started recording. "Hey so a lot of people have been wondering where we are. Me are Karl are just hanging in Paris." I said panning the camera towards Karl, who was staring at his phone. "There is a new episode of Survivor out!" He said yelling looking up from his phone with a smile.

I just laughed and faced the camera back to me. "Can we go watch Survivor, Ollie?" Karl asked with puppy eyes, that only I could see. "Yes." I responded and then cut off the video. I quickly posted it to my Twitter. Karl handed my my coco with a huge smile and we went off into our room.

I sat up drinking my coco while Karl laid his head in my lap watching Survivor. I took at video of him. It first started with the side of his head with my hand running through his hair and then panned towards the TV. I posted it on my Instagram story and my Snap Story. I suddenly got a lot of notifications from my Insta, Snap, and Twitter.

But, I ignored them and laid down with Karl. After Survivor was over me and Karl watched Spongebob for a bit before he fell asleep. And me soon after.

A/n: Okay so I know everyone is gonna hate me but I'm not gonna write the rest of the Paris trip. I just don't know what to write I'm so sorry. But there is gonna be a lot more chapters after they get back home. For now plz let me know is Karl is uncomfortable with any of this. Byeee i love you guys!!!

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