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🔗Time Skip: 5 months🔗

I rolled over feeling my stomach turn as I did so. I felt sick, I ran to the bathroom and threw up. "Dude, what the fuck?" Maddie said walking in and rubbing her eyes. I just looked up at her and sat down against the wall. Maddie walked over and put her hand on my head, "Your not warm."

"I don't know, I just felt really sick all the sudden." I said as Maddie helped me up. "Morning sickness." Maddie turned to me. "What?" I asked walking into my room. "When's the last time you and Karl had sex?" Maddie asked pulling out her phone. "I don't know, like a week or 2 weeks ago." I said shrugging.

"We need to get you a pregnancy test now." Maddie said sliding her shoes on. We put our shoes on, I did my insulin and meds, and Maddie drove to the nearest CVS. She went inside so I wouldn't get recognized if there was someone in there who knew who I was. She came back out to the car and got in the drivers seat.

"Isn't your one year dinner with Karl tonight?" Maddie asked pulling out of the parking lot. "Yeah, shit I forgot about that." I said rubbing my eyes. "Okay, but if you are... pregnant do you plan on telling him tonight?" "Yeah." I nodded looking out the window.

Once we got home I rushed to the bathroom and took the test. "Done?" Maddie asked ad I came out of the bathroom. "Yes." I said letting out a sigh. For the 20 minutes me waited I paced around my room as Maddie sat on my bed.

The timer rang, and I ran into the bathroom, I looked down and started crying. Positive. Happy tears, all of the tears were out of happiness. I felt Maddie hug me. "Congratulations." She said rubbing my back, "You happy?" I just nodded and wiped my tears.

"We should get Karl a present." Maddie said holding my shoulders. "Yes." I said smiling. We got back into the car and made our way to Walmart . Me and Maddie went straight to the baby section picking out Mom and Dad hats, a pack of pacifiers, and a Best Uncle shirt for Ranboo, Dream, and Sapnap. We got gift bags and then payed and left.

Once we got home we bagged everything up and went to Ranboo's room. "Boo, cover your face." I said knocking on the door. "Why?" He yelled. "I'm recording." "Okay come in." He said a minute later. "I have a present for you." I said holding up the bag. "Oh okay." He said sounding skeptical.

"I promise its good."  I said smiling as I handed him the bag. "Okay." He took the bag and started opening it. Once he got to the shirt he just shot his head up and looked at me, "No way." "Yep." I said as he stood up and hugged me. "Congratulations." He said kissing my head through the mask. "Thank you." I said looking up at him, "Just don't tell Karl, I'm telling him tonight or anyone else." He nodded and me and Maddie left the room.

We packed up Sapnap and Dream's bags, I got ready for dinner and then Me and Maddie went to Dream and Sapnap's house. We took separate cars so I could go straight to dinner with Karl and Maddie could stay at Sapnap's house.

Once we got there I grabbed the bags and went up to the door with Maddie behind me with the camera. I knocked on the door and Sapnap answered. "Ollie? You look nice, why?" He asked opening the door. "I have a dinner with Karl but I have to drop something off to you." I said pushing past walking in the house.

I went to the living room and sat down. "Okay so you can't tell anyone, okay." I told him as I gave him the bag. "Okay." He said squinting his eyes. He opened it up and just stared at the shirt. "Wait are you lying?" He asked looking over at me. I shook my head and his jaw dropped. I smiled as he rushed over and hugged me.

"Okay I have to give dream his real quick cause I have to leave." I said getting up and walking towards the stairs. I went up to Dream's room and we just did a voice recording for him due to him being faceless.

"Oh Dream!" I sang as I walked into his room. "Oh hey Ollie." He said not turning around. "I have a present for you." I said placing the bag down infront of his face. "For what?" He said picking it up and turning in this chair. I shrugged and he just smirked.

He opened it up and held the shirt up to read it. "No fucking way." He laughed looking up at me. I nodded and he threw it off his lap and hugged me. "Ollie, that's crazy." He said pulling away putting his hands on his head. "Okay, as much as I love this I have a dinner to get to." I said walking to the door. "Stay safe." He said as I walked out of the room.

"Bye guys." I yelled walking to the front door. "Bye." Maddie and Nick yelled back at the same time. I got in the car and drove to the restaurant. I saw Karl standing outside on his phone and ran up to him. "Hello love." I said as I got closer. "Well hello." He said wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing me.

"What's in the bag?" He asked as we pulled away. "A little surprise." I said smiling up at him. "Okay, shall we go in?" He asked letting go of me. I nodded and he opened the door as we went in. I walked up to the desk and Karl followed behind me.

"Hello, do you have a reservation?" She asked and I nodded, "What's the name?" "Jacobs, Karl." He said grabbing my waist. She showed us to our table and we sat down. We ordered our drinks and when they asked about alcohol, I told them no. That's when Karl started getting skeptical.

"No?" He asked looking over at me after I shook my head. "Just not feeling it." I said looking up at him over my menu. "Okay." The waitress walked away and Karl kept nagging my about the bag. "Do you want it now?" I asked looking over at him. He just nodded and looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

I handed him the bag and he pulled the tissue paper out of it. He pulled at the hat and just looked at it. "Is this supposed to be something funny?" He asked looking over at me. I just shrugged and he kept going. He pulled out the pacifiers next. "Oh are these for me?" He asked smiling.

"Just keep going silly." I said smiling back at him. He pulled out the envelope and felt it. "What is this?" He giggled. He opened it up and looked at it for a minute or so without saying anything. "No way. Holy shit." He looked so happy. "This is real? Like you peed on this?" I nodded and felt my eyes well up.

He got up and scooped me up in a hug. "Are you happy?" I asked Karl through tears. "Of course I am." He said putting his hands on my cheeks. He leaned in and kissed my lips real quick. "When did you find out?" He asked as we sat back down. "Today." I said laughing. "Really?" He asked with wide eyes. I just nodded and we went on with the night.

After we were done we went back to the house and went up to my room. "Do you want to call our parents?" I asked looking over at Karl who was sitting at my desk working on something. "Yeah." He said turning around. I picked up my phone as Karl hoped onto the bed.

His tie was untied and around his neck, his blazer was off, and his shirt and shoes we off. I FaceTimed my mom and started screen recording. "Ollie, hello darling." My mom said smiling at the phone. "Hi mom, is dad awake?" I asked bringing Karl into frame. "Yeah he's over here." She said walking into the living room of the house I once lived in.

"Hon, our daughters on the phone." She said sitting down beside him. "Hey." He said putting his face in the screen, "Oh is that Karl. Hello son." "Hi." He said waving. "Mom, Dad we have some big news." I said looking at Karl and then back at them, "I'm pregnant." My dad's face dropped and she smiled right away. My mom, well she looked like she was going to cry.

We talked to them for a little longer and the called Karl's parents, and it went the same way. After that was all done we got dressed for bed and laid down.

"Are you happy? Like you feel ready for this?" I asked Karl laying my head on his chest. "Yes, I'm happy and I feel ready for this." He said rubbing my head. We just sat and talked about random things. I yawned and Karl took noticed of my getting tired. "Goodnight, I love you baby." He said kissing my head. "Goodnight, love you too." I said closing my eyes and falling asleep.

A/n: YAHHHHH!! BABY TIME!! Okay so I'm not sure what I'm going to do for the next chapters so if anyone had any suggestions plz let me know. Also if Karl is uncomfortable with any of this plz let me know. Byeee love you all so much!!

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