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🔗Time Skip🔗

🔗Day One🔗

I opened my eyes to the sound of soft chattering. I rolled over and checked my phone, 8:03. I was up before the alarm. I got up and got changed into a light blue mom jeans, Ranboo's pink Hawaiian shirt, a white long sleeve, and my white slip on vans.

After all of that I brushed my teeth and left the RV. I found Jimmy and some of the sound guys outside of my RV. "Jimmy?" I asked walking up him. "Ollie, good morning." Jimmy said with a huge smile. "Good morning, do we have coffee any where?" I asked still trying to rub the tired out of my eyes.

"Chris is up and was gonna go I bet he won't mind if you tag along." Jimmy said as Chris came up from behind him. "No I don't mind." Chris said looking at Jimmy. "Okay great." Jimmy said laughing. "Ready to go?" Chris asked looking to me. I nodded and we went out to the car.

Chris got in the driver seat and I got in the passenger. We were driving for a bit before my phone started to ring, it was Karl. "Good morning." I said answering the phone. "Where are you?" He said in a panic. "I have them buddy don't worry." Chris yelled into the phone. "Chris?" Karl asked yawning. "Yes, we're getting coffee." I said rolling my eyes.

"Did you do your meds?" "Yeah." I said lying. "No you didn't, the box isn't open yet and it's still in the same spot as last night." Karl said as I hear rustling from the other end. "It's fine." "No it's not. Chris please make sure my girl doesn't pass out." Karl said to Chris. "I can take care of myself, bye love you." "Love you too."

I hung up and rolled my eyes. "He just loves you." Chris said looking at me like my dad. "I know." I said with a smile. "I'm glad he found someone. He convinced himself before he met you that he would never be loved by anyone." Chris said still looking at the road.

"How could someone not love him?" I asked Chris who just shrugged. "I don't know, but he did. He really loves you. He also told me that you guys want a kid." Chris said pulling into the Dunkin line. "Maybe eventually. I hope, if he's up to it." Me and Chris ordered a bunch of donuts and coffee and then made our way back to the warehouse.

We sat around and ate until Jimmy gathered us all on the platform. I sat on the edge while Karl wrapped his arms around my waist laying his head on my back. As everyone came in Jimmy stood down at the entrance handing out, 'Hi, my name is,' stickers and told everyone to put there name and pronouns on them.

"Chris check your phone!" Jimmy yelled up to Chris. Chris pulled out his phone, "Jimmy says, that we have to go down there and Ollie is number one helping with pronouns."

We all went downstairs and to the circle. Jimmy went off to film his intro while we went around and helped. As I was helping I heard someone yell my name. I turned to see a girl coming towards me. "Hi." I said as she got closer. "Oh my god, I feel like the biggest fan girl. Hi, I'm Blakely." She rambled holding out her hand.

I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. "I love your streams and you YouTube videos." She continued. We talked for a bit and the Jimmy gave some people there own cameras. Me and Karl went off to hang out for a bit. That was until Jimmy said he needed us.

"The first person might be out so go get the car ready." He said as we walked up to him. We did as asked, Karl in the drivers, Nolan passenger, Chris and Chandler in the back, and well I sat on the roof. Jimmy raised the garage door. And Karl drove in kinda slow bit also fast.

There was a lot of cheering and then Jimmy congratulated the guy. Karl went and hugged the guy. "Hey can someone help me down?" I yelled standing up. Karl ran over and just looked up at me. "Jump." "No." "Just do it." So I did and he caught me bridal style.

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