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🔗Time Skip: 2 weeks🔗

The last few weeks have been crazy. We have been back and forth from the vet with Rj so many times. He has been getting his shots so he can come to London with us. Me and Ranboo have been packing and getting everything ready for the UK.

"Excited?" I asked sitting in the chairs in the waiting area. "Yeah." Ranboo said with a smile. It was late at night right now but when we landed in the UK it would be day. Our flight was going to be around nine hours long.

"How long do we have before our flight?" I asked looking over at Ranboo. "At least an hour." He said with a sigh. "Come here I want to show you something." I said standing up and grabbing Rj's carrier and my backpack. Reluctantly he stood up, grabbed his stuff, and followed me over to a open area with a glass roof.

It was open but there was no one over there. I set the carrier down and took my backpack off. I laid down on the floor and looked up at the sky. "What are you doing?" Ranboo asked looking down at me. "Looking at the stars. Move." I said pushing his legs.

He laid down with me and we stared up at the sky. We laid there for awhile until we heard the announcement for our flight. We got up and rushed over to our gate. The flight went smooth and before we knew it we were landing.

Once we found baggage claim and got our bags we stood and waited for Will. Our plane was a few minutes early so we only stood for few minutes. "Is he almost here?" Ranboo asked sitting down on the sidewalk. "I don't know, but I am loving this weather." I said looking down at Ranboo and then back up.

We sat and waited for a few more minutes and then a car pulled up. "Hey guys!" Will yelled as he pulled up. "Wilbur!" I yelled running up to the car. He got out and came up and hugged me. "How was your flight?" He asked letting go of me and hugging Ranboo. "It was good." I said taking off my backpack. "Good. I'll help you guys with your stuff." He said taking my backpack.

"Hold up I need Rj's leash." I said taking the bag from Will. "You brought him?" Wilbur asked sounding excited. I nodded as I took Rj out of his carrier. Once Rj was done with his business we got in the car and drove to Tubbo's house. Ranboo was going to be stay there while I was at Will's.

We pulled up to Wilbur's house and he helped me bring in my bags. Once we got inside I flopped down on the couch. "You tired?" He asked sitting down next to me. "Very. Our time zones are crazy different." I said opening my eyes and looking over at him.

"Okay, well you can take a nap and the after we can talk about what the next week and a half is going to look like." He said throwing me a blanket. I nodded and closed my eyes. I drifted off to sleep with the comfort of the blanket.

🔗Time Skip🔗

I rolled over and hit the floor. I groaned and opened my eyes. Lucky for me the living room had carpet. I looked over to see Wilbur recording me. "Will!" I yelled jumping up and blocking his camera. "Sorry it was to funny not too."  He said through laughs.

"Whatever." I said sitting next to him. His phone started ringing so he got up and went into the kitchen. He came back a few seconds later and sat back down. "That was Karl. He said you forgot to call him." Will said looking at me.

"Oh shit. Yeah I did. Excuse me for a bit." I said getting up and walking into the dinning room. I opened my phone and clicked on Karl's contact. The phone ringed two times and then there was an answer, "Hello." "Karl, hey I'm sorry I didn't call you. I feel asleep because of the time zones." I said rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Your fine love, you just kinda scared me." He said sounding nervous. "I'm sorry I worried you, but I'm okay and Ranboo made it to Tubbo's." I said smiling and running my hand through my hair. "Okay great. I'll let you go, I love you." He said. I could practically hear his smile and blush.

"I love you too. Bye." I said as Wilbur walked in. "Bye." Karl said before hanging up the phone. "Wow, you are literally so in love with him, it is crazy." Wilbur said leaning against the wall. "Maybe a little." I said walking past Will and into the living room. Wilbur came and sat next to me and pulled out a bag.

"Okay, so in here I have the lyrics. You read them and let me know if you want to change anything. I'm going to make coffee." He said handing me to bag and standing up. He went to the kitchen and Rj came over and laid on my feet.

I read through the lines of music and loved every line. Wilbur was a word genius. Everything flowed together so nicely. The begging of the song was slow and then the tempo picked up and it got faster and more upbeat. I read the lines over and over loving how perfect it was.

"Do you like it?" I heard the British voice ask from behind me. "Yes. Oh my god yes. It is perfect. Thank you Wilbur." I said looking up at him. "I'm glad you like it." He said handing me my cup. "It's amazing and you said don't want to be mentioned in the credits at all." I asked looking between him and the paper.

"The credits sure. The song no, not at all." He said taking a sip of his coffee. "Oh yeah, I was going to mention you in the credits weather you wanted it or not." I said looking up at him. "Lets get to work on vocals." He said pulling out more papers.

We worked on the song for a few more hours and then Will showed me up to the guest room. "I was thinking we put a facetime clip of you and Karl in the song, if you want." He said leaning against the door frame. "Yeah that would be cool." I said sitting down on the bed.

"Okay so he doesn't know about the song so just screen record your whole call." "Okay, I'll call him tonight." "Great, goodnight Ollie." He said slightly closing the door. "Night Will." I said as he completely closed the door.

I called Karl and I said our goodnight  and talked about how I would see him soon. After the call I turned on the TV and turned the lights off. I laid down in bed and thought about how crazy it was I was living my dream.

As I kid I always wanted to make music and now I was. Music had always been my get away when I was going through treatments or recovering in the hospital. Now I was going to make people have the same feeling and it was crazy.

A/n: Sorry this took so long to get out. I have had no motivation but it is finished now. It is a bit on the shorter side but whatever. Amway if Karl is uncomfortable with any of this plz let me know. Byeee love you guys!

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