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🔗Time Skip🔗

I opened my eyes at the sudden knocks at the front door. I went to get up but quickly realized I only had a tee-shirt and underwear on. "Karl." I whispered rubbing his head. "Mhm?" He asked slightly opening his eyes. "There is someone here and I don't know where my pants are." I said looking around.

"Oh okay." He said as he stood up. He had on pajama pants and that was it. We walked to the door rubbing his eyes. As he came back he threw my pants at me. Maddie and Sapnap both walked into the living room. "Well someone had fun last night." Nick said looking around. "Shut up." I said picking up a pillow and throwing it at him.

"Lucky for you idiots I packed snacks, and the park is open till 9." Maddie said looking up from her phone. "What park?" I asked looking behind me at Karl. "Universal." Karl said smirking at me. "Really?" I asked basically shouting. "Yes." Karl said wrapping his arms around me.

I hugged him back and we stayed like that for about a minute. "Go get changed we will clean up this mess." Nick said looking around. Karl nodded and help me up. Me and Karl went upstairs and changed. He helped me with my insulin and meds and we packed my bag and then went back downstairs.

"You guys ready?" Sapnap asked putting the last pillow on the couch. I nodded and then we made our way to the car. The drive was only around 30 minutes so it wasn't so bad. Once we pulled up to where you pay to park, we all argued about who was going to pay until Karl pulled out his card and basically threw it at the guy at the booth.

We parked and then walked over to security. As we walked up to security I knew immediately that they were going to give me a hard time about my med bag, and so my anxiety spiked. Karl took notice of the fact that I was playing with my fingers and swaying back and forth.

"You okay?" He asked pulling my hands into his. "Yeah." I said avoiding eye contact. "What's wrong?" He asked almost in a whisper. "They are going to give me a hard time about my bag." I whispered finally making eye contact. "Its okay, we'll take care of it." He responded placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Everything okay?" Sapnap asked looking behind him at us. Karl simply nodded and Nick turned back around. I noticed him and Maddie holding hands and smiled.

I placed my bag in one of the buckets for the x-ray machine and walked up. As I approached the metal detector I walked through and it immediately started beeping. "Go again." He said, so I did as told and once again it went off.

"Its my Dexcom." I said lifting up the sleeve of my shirt for him to see. "Step over here, ma'am." The security guard said leading me to a corner. As soon as Karl walked through he collected his things f the x-ray machine, and walked over to me.

"Ma'am, is this your bag?" One of the guards asked holding up my bag. "Yep." I said in the most sarcastic tone I could. "Would you like to explain why your carrying around a needle?" He asked opening my bag. Before I could respond I was interrupted by my beloved boyfriend.

"They need it to survive. It for her insulin just in case of an emergency. You also better be careful with that bottle its has one of the most expensive liquids in it." Karl said stepping away from me and up towards the security guard. Maddie and Sapnap walked over to me and Maddie held my hand noticing the panic wash over my face, as Sapnap rubbed my back.

Karl continued to argue back and forth with the guard until another guard noticed and walked over. "He's not lying. That girl over there is a diabetic. I would know I have been one myself my whole life." Me face lit up as I made eye contact with the guard. "Thank you." I said walking up and grabbing Karl's hand to calm him down.

I pulled him away and we walked through City Walk and to Universal. I found out that we had tickets for parks so we could go do rides at both. Once we got our passes checked we walked to the first ride.

As we stood in line I laid my head on Karl's chest. He held onto my bag as we walk through crowds or as we stood in lines. He would make sure my levels were good the whole time we were there and that I didn't get overheated. We switched and once the parks closed we made our way back to Sapnap's.

"You guys wanna have a fire?" Nick asked as we pulled in the driveway. I looked around and everyone nodded. "Lets do it, fuck it." I said hoping out of the car. Once we went inside we went straight out to the backyard. Once we started the fire we all sat down.

"Where is Dream?" I asked looking over at Sapnap. "Upstairs." He said sinking into his chair, "Speaking of upstairs I left something up there." He got up and went back in the house. "Ollie, you have a meeting in two days." Maddie said looking up from her phone.

"That's with the merch people right." I said looking over at her. She nodded and went back to her phone. Maddie was my manager and basically made sure I knew when my meetings were scheduled for. I heard the backdoor open and Sapnap walk out.

I watched as he blew a cloud into the air. "Whatcha you got Sap?" I asked being the only one who noticed he walked outside. He threw it to me and then went to sit down. "Okay a vape, what's in it?" I asked turing it around in my hand.

"Is that the weed pen?" I heard Maddie whisper to him. He just nodded and leaned back. "A weed pen? I didn't even know they made those." I said looking at Sapnap. "I know a guy, he gets them for me." He said closing his eyes.

I put it up to my lips and took a long drag. It wasn't my first time with a vape but the regular ones I didn't like. I liked this one, it tasted different. "Woah, I didn't know you smoked." Nick said sitting up reaching out for the vape. I tossed it to him and leaned back.

"I don't. At least not with regular vape pens or cigarettes. I don't like then taste but I've never had weed." I finished. I felt calm like all of my worries went away. We sat and talked for a bit and me and Sapnap tossed the weed back and forth. It was a calm night, but I could tell something was up with Karl.

When we went inside for the night I didn't feel like I was having a crazy high, but more of a calm one. Me and Karl went up to the guest room. "You okay?" I asked smiling up at Karl. "Yeah." He said walking away from me and over to the bathroom. "You don't seem okay." I said my words slurring slightly.

"I'm fine." He said turning away from me. "Karl talk to me please." I said as I became more worried. "What do you want me to say Ollie." He snapped, raising his voice and turning to look at me,

"I don't think it's a good idea to smoke, at least unsupervised. I know you asked Sapnap for one of his vapes, so if your gonna have one just please don't be alone when you do it. Make sure your with someone sober, please." He said his voice going softer with every word.

"Of course, I'm not stupid Karl." I said reaching up to push away the tear on his cheek. I don't really understand why he wad crying but he was very sensitive. "You promise?" He asked his lip quivering. "I promise." I said pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry I yelled at you." He said into my hair. "It's okay lovely." I said pulling away from him.

I heard a knock on the door and then a yell, "You two better not be fucking in there!" I walked over to the and opened it to see a very high Sapnap. "Here you go." He said basically still yelling, handing my a weed pen. "Shhh. Thank you." I said putting finger up to my lips.

"Nick, shut the fuck up!" I heard Dream yell from the over room. Sapnap looked at me shocked. "Okay, I love you Dream!" Sapnap yelled basically falling over. "Okay, goodnight Nick." I said closing the door slightly. "Love ya!" He yelled again walking away.

I heard the door at the end of the hall open and Dream walked out. "Dude shut up!" He yelled as Nick closed his door. "He's high." I said to Dream. "Ohh okay. Goodnight." Dream said going back into his room. "Goodnight." I said closing the door.

I threw the weed pen into my bag. I walked to the bed and cuddled up in the covers. A few minutes later Karl came and laid behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we stayed like that until we both fell asleep.

A/n: Yayyyy! Finally I got another chapter done!!! Okay I'm sorry for the inconsistent uploads, I just have been very busy. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Anyway if Karl I uncomfortable with any of this plz let me know. Byeee love you all!!

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