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🔗Time Skip: one month🔗

It had been a month since my song drop and everyone that was down to visit had gone home. Sapnap and Maddie have spent a lot of time together but of course I was jealous and missing Karl.

He was on his way to Florida so I quickly got changed and straightened up the house. I haven't seen him in a month, due to both of us being busy with work. I was sitting on the couch when I heard the front door open, "Ollie, I'm home baby!"

I got up and went running and jumped into Karl's arms. He held me tight and I enjoyed the feeling of having him home. I didn't talk about it much, but when it comes to Karl I have severe separation anxiety. He lifted my chin and kissed me, of course I kissed back. After we broke apart he set me down and I helped him bring his bags into my room.

We went back downstairs and into the kitchen. "How are you love?" Karl asked helping himself to coffee. "Good, how are you?" I asked sitting at the barstool. "I'm good. I'm glad to be here and I have a lot planed this week." He said putting the pod in the maker.

"Like what?" I asked leaning my chin on my hands. "All I can say is that we are going on a double date." He said copying my pose and then going back to finish making his coffee. "Boo." I said getting up and going to the couch. "Where's Ranboo?" Karl asked walking into the living room.

"LA. He is meeting up with Big Q." I said laying my head in Karl's lap. "Oh so we have the house all to ourselves?" He asked with a grin. "Yes, why what is your plan?" I asked looking up at him. "I was just thinking that maybe we could go out and get matching pjs and snacks and a movie and use your fancy fire place." He said looking at me with so much love in his eyes.

"I would love that." I said looking up at him with smile, "And maybe we can make a fort and sleep in it, like infront of the fire?" "That sounds like a great idea." Karl leaned down so our lips met, I melted right into the kiss. I had missed my partner in crime.

We laid like that for a while watching whatever was playing on the TV. Soon we got up and left, I let Karl drive so it was completely up to him on where we went. We pulled up to Panera and Karl parked and then looked at me,

"I'll be back." He got out of the car and went inside. As he was inside he would occasionally look out the window and in the car to make sure I was okay.

Once he came back he handed me the bag and told me not to open it. "Why the food smells so good." I complained peaking in the bag. He snatched up the bag and placed it in the back seat, it was a surprise it didn't rip. "Because I said so, princess." He said his voice raspy and he was looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

Something about the name made something heat up inside inside of me. My cheeks went a deep red, my stomach was swirling with butterflies, and something else was going on too.

Karl knew what he was doing, he knew how stuff like that made me feel and I immediately knew what kind of day it was going to be. I knew that if I didn't listen the first time he told me to do something he would tease the living shit out of me.

Before I knew it we were pulling up at Target. "Come on." Karl said back to his sweet and bubbly self. The dominant and teasing side of Karl was gone, for now. As we walked into the store he laced his fingers with mine. We walked over to the pajamas first and Karl let me pick out a matching set.

After we made our way over to the snacks. "Pick something out, lovely." Karl said as I browsed over the chips and candy. He stood behind me holding the basket. I grabbed a bag of SmartFood popcorn, Reeses cups, and a few more chip bags and some candy.

"You done?" Karl asked looking in the basket and back at me. I nodded and we started walking. "Can you have the candy?" He asked looking over at me. "Yeah I just have to watch my levels. I went to self checkout and I started scanning the items. I went to put my card in the machine and Karl pushed my hand way.

"I'm going to pay. You payed for lunch." I said pushing him back and looking up at him. He simply said "No." "Yes." I said arguing with him. "No, because you are being a brat. I'm paying." He said his voice once again raspy as he put his card in and payed. Needless to say I let him and left the store feeling overheated and overwhelmed.

I got in the car while Karl put all of the stuff in the trunk, as he insisted and sat quiet the whole ride home. "Do you want me to help?" I asked as we pulled up to the house. "No, don't worry your pretty little head about it." Karl said smiling down at me. He handed me the keys and I went and unlocked the front door.

Once we were inside Karl handed me my pajamas and told me to go change. I did as told and went upstairs. I came back downstairs to my food all set up on the counter and Karl in his pajamas. "Food is served, darling." Karl said as I sat down at the counter. "It looks delicious." I said walking up to Karl and wrapping my arms around him, "Thank you." "Of course." He said leaning down and kissing me.

We sat down and ate and talked for awhile and then made our fort. We used couch cushions, blankets, and pillows. We blew up the air mattress and put it in there to sleep on. Once our bed was made we turned on a movie and started eating our snacks.

"Ollie?" Karl asked looking over at me. I simply hummed in response. "I loved seeing you act up today." He said looking back up at the screen. "What do you mean?" I asked my face going red. I knew what he was talking about.

"You know, when I would call you things like princess or when I called you a brat. That was my favorite reaction. I watched as everytime you would go red and squirm around because you were overwhelmed." He finished looking at me with squinted eyes. "You were teasing me, what did you expect?" I said looking away from him.

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him, "No, that is what I wanted. I wanted to see how you would react." I was stunned and I just stayed quiet. "Don't be shy now, darling." "I liked it." I said breaking eye contact. "You liked what?" He asked just trying to get me hot. "The name calling." I mumbled not wanting him to know I liked it.

"And?" "And the teasing." I finished looking back at him. "Good." He said sitting up. I sat up and crawled onto his lap. I leaned forward and our lips met and started a heated make out session. Soon Karl pulled away and looked me in the eyes. "You want this?" He asked as I nodded eagerly. "Words, love." "Yes, please." I said quickly.

Karl pulled me back in. The rest of the night was crazy. Me and Karl enjoyed what had happened. After we were done we cuddled and eventually fell asleep.

A/n: Sorry, I keep taking such long breaks, but I'm excited to write next chapter. Anyway if Karl is uncomfortable with any of this plz let me know. But for now byeee love you all!!

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