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The caesar's palace was directly across the city from the acropolis, built upon the other hill that framed the valley where the majority of the city lay. It was a beautiful building - commissioned by the Vesapasian's great grandfather around one hundred and fifty years ago. Great white pillars were spaced around the entirety of the building, even stretching out into the expanse of gardens that surrounded it. Carvings and statues of Vesapasian's forefathers only added to the reverence that hovered over the palace like a cloud. It set an imposing figure over the city.

It was even more imposing as you approached it with a city guard by your side.

Burlap bag packed with healing salves and medicines from your stock at the healing clinic, you kept step by the guard's side as he passed through the grounds. No one had even tried to stop you at the gate - if anything, the men stationed there had looked relieved to see you beside their comrade.

Perhaps it was worse that you had thought.

Now, you were pacing through the palace halls, up a curving flight of stairs and down a long passageway lined with arches looking out over the sea. On the other wall, a line of doorway stretched onward until a set of double doors at the end, the large oak engraved with a scene from the epic of Themistroces. In front of those doors, the caesar himself paced.

Upon hearing your footsteps, his pacing stopped and he turned to see you coming down the hallway, the same relief that had painted the guards features before now etched over his face. "Thank the gods."

You came to a stop as Vesapasian stepped forward to meet you, bowing deep. "I am so sorry to hear the news." You said, still bowed forward. "I promise to try my best to remedy the illness that threatens your champion, my lord."

"Rise." Vesapasian said, gesturing at you to right yourself. "Thank you for oming on such short notice - what is your name?"

You righted yourself, looking the caesar in the eyes now. You had seen him from afar plenty of times before - in his box at the colosseum and when he would walk through the streets with the entourage of guards around him - but he looked so much different now that you could catch more than a passing glance of him.

He shared the features of the caesars who had come before - his father and grandfather and many more before that - the strong jaw and refined nose. What struck you though, was the sunken and tired quality of his eyes, nothing like the fiery spirit that was shown in the paintings and statues. There was a slump to his broad shoulders that you weren't expecting, and a certain age to his skin.

He was by no means weak looking, but he was drained. The years had not been kind to him - but then again, they hadn't been kind to anyone, really.

"Y/N." You said, nodding your head in respect again. "It is an honor to have been called, my lord, even though the circumstances aren't ideal."

"I trust you understand the importance that Ceres makes a full recovery?" Vesapasian asked, eyes searching yours.

You nodded again. "Of course, my lord." You said, pausing hesitantly. "I do feel I should warn you though, as of right now, there is no cure. We've been trying for weeks, but the most we have been able to do for our patients is alleviate the pain of the symptoms when we can and help them pass peacefully."

Vesapasian sighed, glancing back at the double doors behind him. "I understand." He said, looking back to you. "However, I would like you to continue work on a cure while you care for my champion. You'll have the full palace at your disposal for your stay, so if you should need anything in the search for a remedy, please don't hesitate to ask."

You nodded, shifting the bag in your hand. You had figured that you would be staying at the palace for as long as your services were needed (and you had packed supplies accordingly), but you hadn't really been expecting the caesar to ask you to continue work on finding a cure. You weren't sure you would be able to, what with having to care for Ceres as well, but Veaspasian had asked specifically - and who were you to disobey your caesar?

"You're very kind, my lord." You said.

Vesapasian said nothing, simply glancing back at the double doors behind him again with worry in his eyes. "I only hope that you'll be able to help them." He said. "After losing two champions to that prisoner that escaped, and then three more to this terrible curse that's plagued down the city, I couldn't stand to lose the pride and joy of the colosseum."

You nodded along - without Ceres, it would be hard for the colosseum to be as efficient in lowering the population as it had been. Though now with the silver death killing people off in the hundreds each night, you weren't sure there would be such a need for population control. In the most horrifying of ways, the city was getting exactly what it had prayed for.

There was a pause before Vesapasian continued, his voice changed. "I don't know how long they have - they developed the symptoms last night, or so I was told. I thought if we had someone look at it early, it might..."

"If it can be helped, I don't intend on letting your champion of champions die." You said.

Vesapasian nodded, bringing his hands together to clasp in front of him. "Thank you Y/N." He said, stepping aside. "They're just through those doors - and the quarters we set aside for you are connected to the room. There's water and some food inside as well, and again, should you need anything else..."

"I'll ask." You assured him.

Vesapasian nodded one last time before heading down the hallway away from you, leaving you in front of the great wooden doors. You waited a moment, adjusting your bag in your grip and the cloth tied around your face before you stepped forward, pushing inside.

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