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Over the next few days, Ceres coughing fits only got worse. You kept working on the cure - as well as brewing teas and other painkillers that would help them sleep without the wracking fits. In the few moments of peace you had (usually while you were waiting for some concoction to cool), you worked on your sign language, picking up a few simple conversational phrases. The work - though it was still work - kept you sane. 

It was starting to grate a bit. Failed attempts at a cure filled your notes, laughing at you each time you started anew. The room you were staying in became something of a jail cell - a sentiment shared by Ceres, you were sure. You did what you could though, keeping the windows open and fresh water by their bedside.

You were beginning to miss the city, in a strange way. Your quality of life had greatly improved since the caesar had called upon you, but it was an adjustment. You were used to the open streets of the city, not the stuffy rooms of the caesars palace. You missed the breeze on your face, and the sound of people around you.

Which is why - though you weren't really supposed to, as part of your job was to be at Ceres bedside  - you found yourself setting up shop outdoors, on a patio you'd stumbled across. The guest suite that you and Ceres shared had a set of doors that opened up onto a stone ledge, and if you kept the doors propped open, you would still be able to hear Ceres if they needed you.

You dropped a handful of feverfew into a new attempt at a cure, and sighed, tipping your head back into the sunshine.

It wasn't a perfect solution - it was still far too quiet - but the feeling of the fresh air on your skin was refreshing. Just over the edge of the patio, you could see the city through the trees, the buildings looking more like miniature models down in the valley. The breeze flipped through the pages of your notebook, losing your place. 

You slapped a hand down on it, re-finding your page, huffing under your breath. Annoyance flared up in you, distracting you from anything else - something that had been happening more and more as your attempts failed over and over again. You didn't even hear him approach - didn't see him until he was standing right in front of you.

Annoyance gave way to panic for a second as you met soft brown eyes, though it quickly faded when you realized who it was. "Callahan."

Callahan smiled, waving hello. Making that little questioning gesture again, he sniffed at the beginnings of your latest attempt at a cure, his nose wrinkling slightly. 

"Medicine." You said. "Or at least, I'm trying." You stopped yourself, changing the subject. "What are you doing here?"

Callahan signed a few words - some that you recognized, some that you didn't. You were able to pick out a few though - saw, want, woods, visit

"You saw me from the woods and wanted to come visit?" You asked for clarification, wanting to make sure that you hadn't misinterpreted anything. Your sign language was still shaky at best, after all - and you didn't have much real practice other than making the symbols yourself.

Callahan nodded, his smile growing. He shot off another quick round of symbols, and you did your best to catch what you could again - sign, learn, good.

"I'm trying." You said. "When I have free moments - mostly when I'm waiting for water to boil or cool or for things to set - it's nice to have something to work on. And now when I see you, I can actually talk to you." You grinned back at him. 

Thank you. You could understand that sign right away. 

"Of course." You returned, moving to add a handful of allium seeds into your bowl, beginning to stir them in with the rest of the ingredients being boiled down.

Callahan watched you with careful attention, signing a few more words. What, in and the little questioning flare you had come to recognize again. 

"A few different things." You said. "Feverfew, the skin of a couple gargig bulbs, Frontida's horn, weatherwort, and now allium seeds." You paused, changing the direction of your stirring. "I'm just trying anything at this point - I've gone through nine different attempts already."

Callahan's mouth tipped down into a frown and he peered into the large bowl like he would be able to pick out each of the different herbs you had already boiled down. He glanced up at you up through his lashes, making that little questioning gesture again.

"Yes?" You asked. 

A few more words caught on the edges of your mind. Try, please and the question again.

"What did you have in mind?" You asked. 

Callahan's attention turned to the herbs you had spread over the table, his fingers hovering above each one when he scanned down the line. When he didn't find what he was looking for, he huffed, reaching into the pocket of his tunic and pulling out a sprig of seeded grass. Fairflax. 

"Fairflax?" You asked. 

Callahan nodded, stripping the seeds from the stalk and dropping them into your bowl. One of his hands came to rest over yours, stopping your stirring for a moment and changing the direction again, setting you back into a clockwise rhythm. 

"Alright." You said. It couldn't hurt to try - and you had no doubts that Callahan knew what he was doing, at least a little. He had planted that herb patch, after all, and lived off the land. His knowledge of herbs was probably better than yours. "Thank you Callahan."

Callahan nodded, almost brushing you with his antlers by mistake. You jumped back to avoid the spikes, and Callahan's eyes shot wide. He rapidly began to sign - sorry, didn't mean - worry in every inch of his expression. 

You just laughed, because it was funny, and because you hadn't in a good while. 

TELOS TOU KOSMOU // Callahan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now