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In the days following the caesar's visit, Ceres condition worsened drastically. It seemed the silver death had decided to speed up the process, and your little teas and cure attempts could only alleviate the symptoms for so long. Though they had been making significant progress in the Agatheia (and grudgingly enjoying it, to your delight), the book lay untouched on their bedside table now, pleasure reading turned to naps, the illness sapping the energy right out of Ceres.

They were wasting away right in front of you, and none of your cures seemed to be working.

You worked day and night - sacrificing mealtimes and hours of sleep in favor of poring over your books and herbs, searching for anything you might have missed. Your attempts became more outlandish, trying plants that had little medicinal value in the hopes that you hadn't found it yet simply because you hadn't tried everything. There were times when you would have to rouse Ceres from their sleep so they could drink your latest attempt.

None of the concoctions held.

It wasn't uncommon for you to work on three or four cure attempts at a time nowadays, flitting from bowl to bowl on the patio you had turned into a laboratory, boiling herbs down to their essence to digest. It was more efficient that way - and efficiency was very important when you were running out of time.

You moved to a bowl containing a few base herbs - feverfew and weatherwort and the like - but also lavender petals this time, and pine sap. It was a reach, you were sure, but a miracle could be hiding anywhere. You dipped a wooden spoon in, stirring counterclockwise to encourage the pieces to dissolve into the rest of the liquid. You were so focused on the task at hand that you didn't notice Callahan's presence until you heard the clack of hooves on the stone.

You glanced up, finding him immediately. He was standing at the edge of the patio, his brow furrowed slightly as a he raised a hand in greeting.


"As well as I can be, Callahan." You said, changing the direction of your stirring. "It's lovely to see you."

Callahan stepped closer, looking over the four bowl you had over the fire now, and the concoctions swirling inside them. Four at a time? He signed, glancing over at you.

"Ceres is getting worse." You said, tapping off your spoon on the side of the bowl. "Which I knew was coming - it's been enough time now where the fits are getting worse, and they're getting feverish. Soon enough it'll be hard for them to get out of bed, and then..." You paused, unwilling to speak the end into reality. "There's still time though. There's still time."

It was a reassurance - to who, you weren't really sure. Callahan wasn't that invested in Ceres survival, and you had long come to terms with the grim reality that they were going to die... or at least you'd thought you had. The more you thought about it though, the more you weren't quite sure.

And you? Callahan asked. How are you doing? Taking breaks?

"I'm doing what I have to." You said, slightly dodging the question. If you were being honest, your own health had taken something of a dive since Ceres had gotten worse - it was just what happened when you overworked yourself.

I understand that. Callahan signed, pinning you with a look. But you won't be able to take care of Ceres if you can't take care of yourself.

You sighed, hating that he was right. "I just-"

But the words died in your mouth as Callahan placed a hand on your shoulder, guiding you away from the bowls and over to a stone bench that sat a little ways away. He sat down, tugging you down with him, and you sat, relishing the break from standing.

Overworking yourself isn't going to help anything. Callahan signed, looking at you with a serious sort of gentility. It's ok to just be upset sometimes.

Something about the way he was looking at you made a lump form in your throat. You really hadn't had a moment to process everything - you had been so focused on work that you hadn't taken a moment to breathe.

"I don't want them to die." You said, working around the lump in your throat. "The whole reason the caesar called me here was to save them, and against everything, I've actually become quite fond of them. They're so ready to die though - from the very beginning, they've accepted it as fact. Maybe it's the blood on their hands, that they think they deserve this, but... I don't know." You sighed, wiping underneath your eyes. "It's hard, Callahan."

You're doing your best. Callahan signed. And that's got to count for something, doesn't it?

"I suppose." You agreed. There was something to be said for your efforts, you supposed. But someone who tried and failed, still failed at the end of the day. Failing here would mean both failing Vesapasian and Ceres though - something you weren't sure that you could survive, if you didn't work yourself to death first.

Something's bound to give at some point. Callahan continued. You'll find what you're looking for eventually, I'm sure of it.

"That eventually is the problem." You said. "Eventually could be months and months - something Ceres doesn't have." The lump in your throat was back, clogging up your speech. "If I can't figure something out soon-"

Callahan cut you off again, one of his hands coming to rest on your shoulder and pulling you into a half hug. You stopped talking, just letting him rub a hand up and down your arm and resting your head on his shoulder, against the soft fabric of his tunic. It was the comfort that caused the tears to slip out of your eyes - exhaustion and emotional stress and the soreness in your hands catching up to you at the same time.

Thank you. You signed.

Of course. Callahan returned.

TELOS TOU KOSMOU // Callahan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now