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Callahan's version of five minutes, it seemed, was a lot longer than five actual minutes. Part of you was a little mad - you had a cure to work on after all, but he didn't keep you longer than it took for the latest concoction to cool. You were reluctant to say, but the hour you had spent laying in the grass, watching the clouds pass by overhead, had really refreshed you - and Callahan's company didn't hurt.

For a while, it was almost like the silver death didn't exist. Laying in the grass with Callahan, watching as he signed out what he thought this next cloud looked like, really took your mind off the pressing weight of the world.

Still, the bliss couldn't last forever, and Ceres was slowly wasting away.

Bidding Callahan goodbye, you balanced your books and supplies on one arm, heading back inside with your latest attempt of the cure in hand. Your optimism had mostly faded at this point - the brew you held in hand would most likely do nothing more than dull the symptoms for a few hours. Still, you would give it to Ceres anyway.

You stepped back into the room you and Ceres shared, turning to close the door quietly behind you. You were always careful, just in case they were asleep when you returned-

"Ah, our healer returns."

You turned at the voice - a voice that was much to gravelly and rough to be Ceres - and saw the caesar himself sat at the foot of Ceres' bed. Ceres was perched in the pillows, hands folded on top of the blanket like you had left them.

You quickly dropped your head into a respectful nod towards the Vesapasian. "I didn't know you would be visiting."

"Only to check on the progress." Vesapasian said, turning towards Ceres. "My champion tells me you've been through quite a few cures now."

"Unfortunately so." You said, setting down the supplies still balanced on your arm, but keeping hold of the cup containing your most recent attempt. "Speaking of..." You made your way over to Ceres bedside, handing off the brew.

Ceres sniffed at it once before knocking it back like a shot of alcohol. "Not the most tasty thing you've made." They said, running a hand underneath their chin.

"It's supposed to be effective, not delicious." You said, perching yourself on the stool next to Ceres bedside table. "Hopefully this one actually works."

Vesapasian hummed. "I understand that your attempts have just been suppressants, at best?"

You nodded. "It is... frustrating." You said. "I've put all my knowledge to use - I've pulled books from your library - and I've tried every combination of herbs possible, but nothing seems to work. I've been able to suppress the symptoms for a while, but it doesn't hold, no matter what I try."

Vesapasian let out a heavy sigh, nodding. "So it seems. Every healing clinic across the city reports much the same."

Your mind darted back to the healing clinic you had called home not that long ago - it seemed like years since you had been there, though it had only been a few weeks. The thought of the place hadn't crossed your mind in a while - how were your previous patients? How was Zahar? With everything you needed at your fingertips in the palace, you hadn't been in the city proper in almost a month.

"How is the city?" You asked.

Ceres perked up at your question, looking to Vesapasian as well. No doubt they were also curious as to how things had progressed without them - or perhaps eager to know which of the other champions had taken their place.

"As one would expect it to be." Vesapasian said, his brow furrowing slightly. "People are dying in the streets in droves - not that that's anything new - but now, even those with secure incomes and households are being carted out with the rest of the dead bodies. No one's safe, not really. They've started wearing the cloths over their noses and mouths when they go outside now." He paused. "It's like they're wearing funeral shrouds already."

"And the colosseum?" Ceres prompted.

"In disarray." Vesapasian said. "There hasn't been a fight in two weeks now. Most of the prisoners are dead, and those who aren't will be soon. Our champions aren't that much better off - we've lost Namotroclus and Trylla already."

For a second, you could see a pain wash over Ceres, though they quickly hid it.

"I'm sorry to hear it." You said. You knew what it was like to lose a friend - plenty of the patients you had served back at the clinic had become friends to you, only to die days later. You were dreading the moment when Ceres went the same way, if you couldn't find a cure in time.

The more attempts that failed, the more likely that reality became.

Your thoughts were broken when Vesapasian rose, brushing off his robes and clearing his throat. You rose with him, folding your hands in front of you.

"Though I wish I could enjoy your company more, I must be going." Vesapasian said. "I wish you the best of luck in finding a cure, Y/N - the gods above know we need one. And a speedy recovery for you Ceres-"

Ceres huffed, shaking their head. "Don't jinx it now, my lord."

The little comment brought something of a smile to Vesapasian's face, and he dipped his head hiding it. "Very well." He said. "Good day, to the both of you."

You nodded respectfully once more as Vesapasian took his leave. "And good day to you, my lord." You said.

Vesapasian slipped out without another word, letting the door swing shut and leaving you and Ceres alone. His words stayed though, hovering in the air around you like an omen. The gods above know we need one.

But was it not the gods above that had set this plague down upon the city in the first place?

TELOS TOU KOSMOU // Callahan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now