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You didn't end up getting much sleep after Ceres coughing fit. 

Every shuffle or creak you heard from the other room kept you awake, wondering if they were going to break out into another fit, possibly worse. The brew you had given them had worked to stave off the cough for a few hours before, but the plague had progressed since then, and you hadn't been sure how your concoction would hold up.

As it was, it had afforded Ceres a few hours rest, and you a fitful, anxious half-sleep. You were just beginning to drift off when you heard Ceres coughing again.

You were out of bed in an instant, rushing to their bedside. Ceres was hoisting themself up from the pillows, hunched over and hacking up a lung again, the wet rasp of breath still there. It seemed less violent than before - though that might just have been the morning light streaming through the window. 

You were quick to offer another glass of water, pressing the cup into Ceres hand as you turned to go find another one of your emergency medicines, stepping over to your worktable. You took a cup, and turned back just in time to exchange the now empty waterglass for the medicinal concoction. 

Ceres slapped a fist on their chest and knocked back the glass, drinking greedily.

You laid a hand on their back, feeling their lungs working under teh skin. "Are you alright?" You could feel the labor in their breath as they struggling to regain it.

Ceres hummed, coughing  slightly. "I'm alright now. It was only a small fit."

You backed off, taking the empty cup and setting it aside. "You're sure?"

Ceres nodded, flopping back down into the pillows. "No need to hover - I'm fine now, and I;m sure you have your own work to get to."

You still hesitated by Ceres side. If the fits were coming more regularly now, you weren't sure that you wanted to go about your day as you would've. What if you were out on the patio and you weren't able to get to Ceres' side in time? What if you couldn't even hear Ceres coughing from out there? You were more than willing to substitute your fresh air for your patient's safety.

"I think I should stay in today." You said. "The fits-"

"Are nothing I can't handle by myself, if you leave me a glass of water and a pitcher on the bedside." Ceres said. "It's bad enough that you haven't been getting your sleep - don't sacrifice your sunshine for me. I can take care of myself for a few hours - I've done it before."

It was true - you had left Ceres to work on your cures outside before, and they had been able to take care of themself fine. A little instruction, and medical supplies on the bedside table, and Ceres had been fine. The illness hadn't been as severe then though - just a headache and the occasional coughing fit. 

"I don't know." You said. "The fit last night was bad enough that you couldn't even manage to hold a glass steady-"

"I was half asleep." Ceres said. 

You sighed. You could see how stubborn they were - Ceres did not take kindly to favors, even on their deathbed. You were sure if you stayed inside after this argument, they would be grumbling about it all day. 

Though you were reluctant, you decided to give in. "If you insist." You said, turning to begin to gather your materials up to take them to your usual place outside. If you left a few cups of medicinal tea, and a pitcher of water, hopefully Ceres could tide themelves over for the day. 

It didn't take long for you to set up the supplies on the bedside table, leaving everything Ceres could possibly need within reach. A pitcher of water and a clean glass, brews that you had previously made to keep the cough at bay, the Agatheia (which Ceres was almost done with, despite insisting that they weren't going to read it in the beginning), half a loaf of bread, and a plate stocked with fresh fruit in case they got hungry, and a little wooden cube puzzle that they had been working on. 

"Thank you." Ceres said. 

"Don't take the medicine sparingly." You instructed, packing your own materials into your basket. "If you feel a fit coming on, drink something. I can always make more. And if you run out of anything, call for me."

"I will, I will." Ceres said, waving an exasperated hand. 

Still, you hesitated, unwilling to leave. "You're sure you'll be alright?"

"Yes." Ceres said, not an ounce of apprehension or uncertainty in their voice. This worry was entirely fostered on your end. "Don't you have work to be doing? And sunshine to be enjoying?"

"I guess I'll  be going now then." You said, heading towards the door. You couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was going to happen while you were gone, but Ceres seemed fairly confident that they could handle themselves. Perhaps it was just leftover anxiety from the fit that had taken them in the night, a combination of your fitful rest and anxiety about finding a cure in time. 

As if sensing your worry, Ceres called after you as you opened the door to leave. "I'll be fine, Y/N." They said, seemingly slightly amused at your worry. "A few hours alone isn't going to kill me."

You turned back, smiling thinly in an attempt to appease them - Ceres had obviously been joking. As you closed the door behind you though, you couldn't help but think about the terrible irony of it all. It could just be that a few hours alone would be Ceres undoing, if you weren't careful.

You tried to set the anxiety aside, clearing your mind for work. They were more than capable of taking care of themself - they had been doing so for years and years. You would be back there before you knew it, with a batch of new cures to try.

TELOS TOU KOSMOU // Callahan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now