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Maybe Ceres had been right in calling you naive - too optimistic. There was nothing really different about the tea you had given Ceres this time around - only a few different ingredients. Logically, you knew it probably wouldn't be the cure you were looking for. That didn't stop you from getting disappointed when the cough persisted.

Frustrated, you found yourself on the patio again, working on your next attempt and trying to resist the urge to rip all the carefully chopped herbs you had set aside into tiny shreds.

Instead, you busied yourself with braiding some grass as you waited for your now twenty first attempt at a cure to brew. You had taken to working on the patio when you could, just to be able to take your makeshift mask off your face and get some fresh air. For the first week, it had been a nice change of scenery. Now, it was starting to feel just as cramped as your quarters - even though you sat under the open sky.

A breeze shuffled the blades of grass in your hands as you braided them together, carrying the scent of rain with it. That would be nice - it had been getting fairly dry, enough that some of the smaller creeks in the forest had begun to slow their trickles.

A rustle from the nearby trees drew your focus away from the braid in your hands, and you looked up, scanning through the undergrowth for a familiar pair of antlers. Callahan had taken to keeping you company on the patio while you worked, and it wasn't a stretch to say that his little visits were the highlight of you day. Plus, an excellent way to keep up on your sign language.

Sure enough, you found soft brown eyes starting out at you from between the trees.

"Good morning Callahan." You said, going back to your work with a grin.

Callahan stepped fully out of the trees, little hooves clacking against the stone as he came to stand next to you, peering down into the bowl you were working over, adept nose twitching as he sniffed at the concoction.

Glancing up at you, he signed in question. Pallas root again?

You nodded with a sigh. "It's the only thing that seems to actually curb the symptoms for a while, so..." You trailed off, another wave of frustration coming over you. You had never failed at something like this before, and the stakes were too high for you to have to try over and over again. Every time your attempts failed, Ceres got closer to dying, and countless others succumbed, their eyes rolling back into their heads. "I've tried almost everything at this point Callahan."

Callahan just pursed his lips, looking at you for a moment. You're upset.

"Of course I'm upset." You said. "People are dying."

Callahan tilted his head. Being upset is not going to help the cure along faster. You should take a break.

You shook your head. "Taking a break isn't going to help the cure along faster either Callahan. The caesar didn't call me here for my own personal health." Today would not be the first time that you put your personal health aside for the cure, and it surely wouldn't be the last.

Callahan didn't seem to like that though, his brow furrowing ass he signed, Five minutes? For your own health?

You shook your head again, though this time, thought about it more. When was the last time you had taken a moment for yourself, other than the few minutes you took to eat and wash and sleep when you could? Your free time had largely been eaten up by cure making and sign language.

Callahan huffed, a short little breath shooting out from his nose. A little frustrated now, he signed again, You can't work on the cure if you're falling apart at the seams.

"Is it that bad?" You asked, looking down at yourself. Your healer's tunic was covered in green stains around the wrists - no doubt from your constant cutting and preparing of herbs. You couldn't see your face, but you were sure there were heavy circles under your eyes.

Callahan didn't beat around the bush in responding. Yes.

You looked back to him, grumbling, "Could have been nicer about it-"

You didn't get far in your sentiment before Callahan was stopping you though, placing both his hands on the sides of your face, brushing behind your ears. The gentle touch made a shiver run down your spine, and you lost your train of thought, just staring into soft brown eyes.

Five minutes? Callahan asked again, raising an eyebrow at you. For your own sake.

A breeze wafted by, still smelling faintly of rain. It would be so nice to just take a moment and enjoy the sunshine before the clouds came in. Plus, Callahan was right - if you didn't take care of yourself (which you really hadn't been), you couldn't really take care of Ceres and the cure. Between when you had worked at the clinic and now here, when had been the last time that you had really had a moment to relax?

One of Callahan's hands drifted down to yours, interlacing your fingers together and tugging gently - pulling you away from your workstation. He signed nothing, but you could still see the query written on his face. You knew that if you really put your foot down, he wouldn't force you - not Callahan, never - but in the back of your mind, you knew he was right. As much as you were loathe to admit, you were so focused on the cure and the health of everyone else, you had forgotten about yourself in the process.

"Fine." You said, letting him tug you towards the soft grass in the expanse of emptiness before the woods. "Five minutes."

Callahan grinned, and squeezed your hand.

TELOS TOU KOSMOU // Callahan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now