Beginning Notes

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Hello again everyone! Welcome back to the Fall of an Empire series for our final installment. I'm really excited about this one.

As you all know, this one goes out to Callahan. Vastly underappreciated in my opinion. I wanted to do him justice and come up with something really out of the box for him, so I'm really hoping that this plays out how I want it to (though knowing you guys, you'll eat it up anyway).

Just forewarning - the updates from here on might be a little bit slower than you're used to, but I'm just starting college and I'm trying to get all acclimated and adjusted and sus out my classes and things (so obviously less time to write). But I'll still try - hopefully 1000 words a day won't be too crazy to try and get through.

Before you read this one though, if you haven't read the others in the series (Aristos Achaion and Philtatos) you should. Both because they're critically acclaimed and the background plots roll over into this one. And you should also read all of my other Dream SMP books while you're at it just because I said so.

Anyways, you guys aren't here for my personal drivel, you're here for the story! Let's get into it!

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