Chapter 6!-Kylee's P.O.V

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4 months later

Well after that heart to heart Chris had with me 4 months ago I've been avoiding him.

Why? Because after all this time and what he's done I just cant bring myself to forgive him, I cant even look at him to be honest with you.

Anferny notice the change in both of us but neither of us have said anything and I dont plan to.

But my mom is alot better, She's home and basicaly back to normal.

"Ky, You feeling ok?" Jamie asked

"Yea, you been kinda quiet lately" Kayla added

"I'm fine yall, Just been alot on my mind"

"You wanna talk about it?" Anferny said not taking his eyes off the game he was playing.

"I'm fine yall, really"

"ok babes you know we here 24/7"

"ok but off me....Whats going between you two?"

"Who two?" Jamie said blushing

"You two" she said pointing at jamie and anferny

"uuhhh I dont know what you talking about"

"Come on baby aint no reason to keep hiding us"

"Us?" Kylee and Kayla said

" *Sigh* Yea. We been together almost 6 months now"

"Damn. Was yall gone ever tell us?"

"Yea we was but after everything Ky been through it wasnt about us"

"Well thats understandable...I've notice though" Kylee said

"I'm happy for yall"

"Me to"

"So how you and Kayden doing?" they asked kayla

"We good but we have been arguing alot lately"

"Thats what couples do"

"Yea I know"

"So what about you ky?"

"What about her?" Anferny said

"Chill babe, Just asking if there is anybody special"

"Its ok, Anf, There is nobody special in my life" she said a hint of sadness in her voice

"Aww Ky, dont be sad, any guy would be happy to have a sexy lil thang like you"

"Thanks babes, Its getting kinda late, ill head home now"

"Ok, Ill walk you to the car"

"Its raining just watch me from the door"


"Kylee, Your phone is ringing" Her mom screamed from the kitchen.

"Thanks ma" ...................................


"Hey Ky" It was Chris

"Umm Hi"

"How you been?"

"Um good...Why are you calling me?"

"Kylee I've missed you"

"Chris I thought we had this conversation already"

"I know but I cant help how I feel about you"

"Please dont do this Chris"

"Dont do what?"

"This conversation. You and I both know that this wont work between us. I've been through to much to have my heart broken by someone like you"

"What do you mean someone like me? Kylee I promise all  I want to do is make you happy and be with you"

"Where is all this coming from? Where is the boy that has been bullying me all those years"

"I've changed because I cant control my feelings for you"

"Look I have to get back to helping my mom. I'll see you when I see you. Bye"


I guess I really fucked up............................


!-There is your update


!-Let me know what you think

!-Picture of Jamie on the side

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