chapter 3!-Chris P.O.V

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Mannnneeee I dont know why I cant just tell her how i feel about her.

"Aye whats wrong with you bruh?" 

"Just thinking about things" 

"We been bestfriends since we was in diapers and you wont tell me whats wrong" 

"Aye man well if you put it that way-" 

*Everybody needs  a little sunshine* 

"Wassup ky?" 

"I need y'all" she said crying

"Aye why you crying...whats wrong?" 

*Screaming in the backgroun*

"Get off of me chuck" her mama said crying in the background

"Im coming ma" kylee screamed

Then the line went dead.

"I got to go" he said rushing to his car

"Im coming to" 

..................................................................................................................................................................................... "Daddy please leave" I heard kylee say from behiind the door

"Fuck that, I told yall i was gone be back" 

"Daddy please" "Chuck please" 

"Aye nigga i thought i told you the last time i saw you i was gone straight murk yo ass" Anferny said busting in the door. 

What i saw damn near broke my heart. 

Kylee and her mom was on the floor full of bruises and broken body parts. 

"wassup young blood?" 

They started to fight and chris jumped in. 

After an hour or two and her dad was on the floor unconscious they stopped. 

"Are you okay?" anferny asked them while chris called the police and an ambulance. 

"I cant move, anf" 

As he was helping them to the couch, tears were rolling down his face. 

"Dont cry, we'll be okay" 

"Ky, this is why i said let me handle him a long time ago. Look at you, your eye is on swoll, your nose looks like its broken, your mouth is still bleeding. You know I hate when people mistreat you" 

Damn my homey crying. 

"I know but we thought we got away from him" 

"Ky you know i have to do something this time right?" 

"Yea i know" 

After the ambulance pulled up and took them to the hospital, Anferny was livid and called an emergency meeting. 

"Ok now yall know kylee is my bestfriend and something happened to her and i want pay back" 

"We down for whatever, Behind you %100" 

"Glad to hear that....The nigga name is Chuck James" 

"Baldhead Chuck james?" 

"Yea him?" 

"He with judy mama now, I know exactly where he at" 

"iight good, tonight we meet up here at 8...dont be late" 

Guess we handling business tonight


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