Chapter One: The New Werewolf in Town

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Scott McCall chewed on the end of his pencil, pretending to be interested in what his good friend Allison Argent was saying. To everyone around him, it probably looked like he was staring deeply into her eyes, but if you actually bothered to ask Scott, it would take him a moment to tell you that Allison's eyes were brown. In fact, it would take him a moment to remember who Allison was, even.

No, Scott was looking two seats to the left of him, where Isaac Lahey, who always wore long sleeves even on hot days, and had a thing for scarves, was sitting next to Danny. Isaac had honey-colored hair and blue eyes, and had been Scott's crush ever since the day they had first met in middle school.

Scott had never been able to summon up the courage to come out as gay, and then he'd gotten bitten by Peter Hale, and besides, Isaac was a shy boy. He hardly talked to anybody, and Scott had always wondered why.

"Scott," Allison exhaled. "Scott. Were you even listening to me?"

"Um. Totally," lied Scott, returning his attention to the girl sitting next to him.

"I was saying how my aunt's funeral is this weekend," Allison rolled her eyes, shooting a furtive glance in Isaac's direction. Though she was new, Allison wasn't blind. "My parents keep talking about this 'him' who's coming."

"Reinforcements, probably," sighed Scott. "Don't worry, Stiles and I will be there."

"Despite the fact that my dad now hates you with every fiber of his being, because he found out you're a werewolf and barely let you live?" Allison questioned.

"I'll manage it, just you wait and see!" argued Scott.

"Please," Stiles rolled his eyes, before clueing Allison in. "Isaac Lahey helps out a lot. His dad is the gravekeeper."

Scott tried to play stupid. "Is he?"

Stiles gave Scott a look, and Scott rolled his eyes. "Ugh, fine, so maybe he is. But we'll also be providing Allison with moral support!"


The funeral came slower than Scott could stand, and soon he was hiding behind a statue so Chris Argent wouldn't see him and, well, kill him for being friends with Allison. It was then that Scott realized something.

"This is where we tracked Lydia, last night," he whispered to Stiles. Stiles' longtime crush had gone missing for two days, after her escape from the hospital while she'd been taking a shower. Only a select few knew that she'd been bitten by an alpha prior to her hospital stay, so they were all convinced Lydia had been...well, turning.

"Why would Lydia come to a graveyard?"

"How would I know that? And she also went to the old Hale house, but she's never been there before, either, and somehow I doubt she's been to this graveyard," informed Scott, just as someone else arrived to the party - an elderly man, who claimed to be Allison's grandfather. But Scott was busy paying attention to someone else - Isaac Lahey and his father, being questioned by the sheriff. Stiles was the one actually looking in Allison and her family's direction, as her mother and father led her over to Kate Argent's tombstone.

"It's Lahey - Isaac Lahey," Isaac told Sheriff Stilinski, his voice quiet and shy. Scott loved Isaac's voice; he could listen to it all day.

"Yeah, I know. My son's mentioned you a couple times," nodded the sheriff, a partial lie; he mostly knew Isaac because of how often Scott mentioned him. "You work for your father, Isaac?"

"When he's not in school," Mr. Lahey spoke for his son. "Which is where he needs to be in twenty minutes."

"Yeah, I understand that," Sheriff Stilinski looked at Mr. Lahey. "But I've got a missing teenage girl, and our K9 Unit led us here last night. She's not wearing any clothes - if she's out here tonight, when the temperature really drops - "

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