Chapter Twenty: The Lacrosse Game

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"Your dad coming?" Scott asked Stiles, knee bouncing anxiously. Isaac wasn't here yet.

"Yeah, he's already here." Stiles exhaled deeply.

"You seen Allison?" Scott asked.

"No, you seen Lydia?"

"Not yet, and I thought you were into Derek now," frowned Scott.

"What, so I'm not allowed to worry about Lydia?" Stiles glared at Scott. "She's still our friend, remember?"

Scott rolled his eyes. "She ignored us for ten years and then became Allison's friend. Allison hasn't talked to me since the rave. What part of that makes her our friend?"

"Oh, just shut up," glared Stiles. "You know what the hell is going on?"

"Not yet," Scott admitted.

"It's gonna be bad, isn't it? Like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming, kind of bad?" Stiles asked.

Scott's head swiveled towards his best friend. "Looks like."

"Scott, the other night seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt, all the while just lying there, I can't even move, I just - I want to help, you know? But I can't do the things that you can do. I can't." Stiles exhaled, staring out at the field.

"It's okay," Scott comforted him.

"We're losing, dude," Stiles sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Coach's voice interrupted their conversation. "Game hasn't even started. Now put on your helmet, you're in for Greenberg."

"What?" Stiles stared at Coach. "What happened to Greenberg?"

"What happened to Greenberg? He sucks! You suck...slightly less." It was Coach's way of complimenting Stiles.

"I'm playing? On the field? With the team?" Stiles gaped at Coach.

"Yes, unless you'd rather play with yourself," Coach retorted.

"I already did that today, twice," was Stiles' response.

"GET THE HELL OUT THERE!" Coach yelled; and Stiles did.

"Oh, dear God," Stiles said, once he'd gotten into position on the field.

"Scott," Gerard's voice reached the benched co-captain. "Can you hear me? Ah, you can, good. Then listen closely, because the game is about to get interesting."


Allison rode through the woods on the back of a dirt bike, a quiver of arrows on her back, her bow in hand. They stopped; Chris took off his helmet.

"Play it again," he instructed.

Allison did; the sound of wolves filled the woods around them. Nearby, Boyd and Erica clutched each other's hands tightly, terrified of the nearby hunters. They knew the truth now: the so-called pack they had heard, was really just the Argents.

They had walked right into a trap.


"Let's put a real clock on this game, Scott," Gerard continued. "I'll give you until the last thirty seconds. When that scoreboard begins counting down from thirty, if you haven't given me Derek, then Jackson is going to kill someone. So tell me, Scott, who's going to die tonight? Should it be your mother, who so bravely came out to support you? Or the sheriff, your best friend's father? Or how about the pretty little redhead who managed to survive the bite of an alpha?" Scott glanced to where Lydia had just sat down next to his mother and Sheriff Stilinski.

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