Chapter Eight: Immune

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Scott, meanwhile, had gone to talk to Derek. "I want to talk to Derek!" he shouted at Boyd, who was standing on the lacrosse field.

"Talk to me," retorted Boyd.

"I don't want to fight," responded Scott.

"Good, because I'm twice the size of you," Boyd flexed.

"True," Scott eyed him, "really, really true. But you want to know what I think?"

Boyd tilted his head, obviously amused.

"I'm twice as fast," Scott informed him, and then grabbed Boyd by the legs, taking him to the ground.

"She failed the test," Derek appeared out of nowhere. Scott, used to this by now, looked at Derek.

"Yeah, which doesn't prove anything! Lydia's different!"

"Yeah, I know," Derek retorted. "At night, she turns into a homicidal, walking snake!"

"I'm not going to let you kill her," warned Scott.

Derek tilted his head, obviously amused. "Well, who said I was going to do it?"

Scott turned his head back towards the school; he could hear Isaac raking his claws along the lockers from here. Erica was, no doubt, with him; but why was Isaac being so loud? Scott gave Derek a betrayed glare; the alpha knew how much he cared about Isaac.

"How could you?" he whispered. "You're making him into a killer. You're making them both into killers."

"They're doing what needs to be done," retorted Derek. "Unlike you."

As Scott tried to return to the school, and hopefully talk some sense into Isaac, Boyd tackled him, knocking him to the ground this time. Derek stood over his body.

"I don't know why you think you have to protect everyone now, Scott," mused Derek. "But even so, Lydia has killed people, and she'll do it again, and next time, it's gonna be one of us?"

"What if you're wrong?" cried Scott.

"She was bitten by an alpha!" retorted Derek. "It's her!"

"You saw that thing up close," Scott told him. "You know it's not like us!"

"But it is!" Derek said angrily. "We're all shapeshifters! You don't know what you're dealing with! It happens rarely, and it happens for a reason!"

"What reason?" demanded Scott.

"Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person that you are," retorted Derek, helping Scott up. "Even Stiles calls her cold-blooded."

"Well, what if she's immune?" demanded Scott. "What if she has something inside of her that makes her immune to the bite, which is why she didn't get paralyzed?"

"No one's immune!" scoffed Derek. "I've never seen it, or heard of it. It's never happened!"

"What about Jackson?" Scott reminded him. "That's why you tested him, isn't it? Because you gave him what he wanted, didn't you?"

"Scott - " Derek tried to cut in.

"Peter said the bite either kills you, or it turns you!" cried Scott. "You were probably hoping that - he would die! But nothing happened, right? And you have no idea why, do you?"

"No," gritted out Derek.

"Well, I have a theory!" pressed Scott. "Lydia's immune, and somehow she passed it on to Jackson! You know I'm right!"

"No!" shouted Derek.

"You cannot do this!" shouted Scott.

"Look, I can't let her live!" Derek shouted right back. "You should've known that!"

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