Chapter Four: The Leather Jacket Pack

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Scott and Allison re-entered the ice rink, running like mad, when they heard Lydia screaming like she was being tortured. Stiles was clutching at her, but she was staring at the ice, screaming like a madwoman, not really seeming to recognize anything around her. All Scott and Allison could do was stare as Lydia screamed at nothing.


The next day at school, Scott approached Erica, done with waiting around. "Who's next?" he demanded as she got her things from her locker.

"Two's not enough for Derek," Scott continued, "I know he needs at least three. So who's next?"

"Why does there have to be a next," mused Erica, closing her locker and turning to Scott, "when we've already got you?"

"Who's next?" Scott pressed.

"You know, I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until somebody took a video of me once and put it online," Erica informed Scott.

"I don't care," Scott told her.

"It happened during class, and everyone was saying how they should put something in my mouth, until some genius reads the card on my key ring telling them not to because it could break my teeth," Erica continued.

"Erica," Scott said.

"Do you know what happened next?" Erica began to tear up. "I pissed myself. You know, the only good thing about seizures was that I never remembered them. Until some Billy Jerk-Off had to go and put cameras in everybody's phones. But look at me now, stud. That's right," Erica realized, looking down the hall at Allison, who was watching Scott and Erica with raised brows. "You only have eyes for her."

Scott grabbed Erica's wrists and lowered them. "I'm not dating Allison," he snapped. "She's not my type, and neither are you."

"Then who is your type, Scott?" Erica panted, smirking up at him. "Not the hunter, not me...maybe," she smirked at Scott, "you like a different kind of blonde. Maybe you like someone with curly hair, maybe he's your type. There's just one problem," she smirked. "You won't join Derek's pack, and he's in it. So tell me, Scott - are you really willing to sacrifice your crush since middle school for your idiotic best friend and the hunter?"


Allison pressed Scott for information the minute he sat down at lunch, not facing each other due to the fact that if Gerard asked anybody, they'd both be caught. "She's with Derek now, isn't she?" she asked. "Like Isaac?"

Scott didn't answer, which was enough of an answer for Allison. "You can't get caught in the middle of this, Scott. Don't you feel what's happening - my grandfather coming here, Derek turning Erica and Isaac - it's like battle lines are being drawn."

"I know," Scott sighed.

"There's always crossfire," Allison pressed, hoping Scott would listen.

"Dammit, Allison, I love him, what am I supposed to do? I can't just stand by, I can't just pretend to be normal!" Scott said, louder than he'd intended to. He immediately lowered his voice. "Sorry."

"I don't want you to be normal, I want you to be alive," Allison retorted, and got up and left. Her presence was replaced by Stiles'.

"Scott, see that?" Stiles questioned him.

"What? It's an empty table," shrugged Scott.

"Yeah, but whose empty table?" demanded Stiles.

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